Coalition Of The Manipulated

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3rd Person POV:

Lucifx walked with its hand, held to its open cockpit so Bae can look through the stuff Yn took from the store.

Bae:(cough, cough)

Bae: Oh Swick! Candy! I heard legends about this stuff!

Yn: Hopefully you aren't diabetic.

Bae:(munches on candy) Dia-what?

In: Diabetic. Basically death by sugar.

Bae:(munches on candy)...

Bae: Seems fine.

Yn:(rolls eyes)

He continues to work on regaining any ability he could, but was having no luck.

Yn:(tosses tools aside) Worthless.

Tony: What's the problem?

Yn: I'm too well built. I need admin privileges because these wires and circuit boards here are only going to affect the cockpit controls.

Yn: I can only send pilot signals. I cannot access anything else. Let alone receive anything back.

Tony: Would you like help?

Yn:(sigh)... Are you doubting my intelligence?

Bae: Who are-

Yn: A simulation gained sentience, now continue eating your candy.

Tony: I'm simply suggesting that I'm something of an engineer myself.

Yn: An engineer unfamiliar with the technology of the present day.

Tony: I learn quickly.

Yn: It doesn't matter. We're almost there.

Bae: Almost where?

Yn: My destination.

Bae: Right... Your house or something?

Yn: Or something.

(Opening theme)

In a dim-lit room in resistance territory, Lisa was trying to convince the AI she captured that there was a peaceful solution.

But she had no luck. They didn't want to hear it.

Felicia then entered the room.

Lisa: We've been given a mission?

Felicia: Yes. Let's go.

Zipping up her pilot suit, Lisa follows Felicia who led the way to the hanger.

There they met up with Bob and Mick. With the Earth armor destroyed, Bob was stuck in the basic Core Gear.

Mick on the other hand had gotten himself Neon.

(Neon: Red Rebellion)

(Neon: Red Rebellion)

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