The Big Bang Over: Act 2

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3rd Person POV:

Mick pulled Lisa away and allowed the elevator to close and take him where he wanted to go.

Mick: What the Stardust is going on!?

Bella: You three were the closest to Nexer yet you couldn't tell he had been replaced?

Miss Nexstar said as she was already waiting for the next elevator.

Felicia: What are you talking about?

Bella:(shakes head)

The elevator doors open for Bella who enter, with the Earth team following behind.

As the elevator rose, Mick pinned Bella to its walls.

Mick: Start talking-

Bella effortlessly pushes Mick off her.

Bella: I'm done toying with your lives. It was fun, but now over.

Bob: Are you behind this?

Bella's skin becomes seethrough, revealing her to be an android.

Bella: You perhaps know me better, as Aiba. The Jupiter brain.

Her skin returns to normal.

Bob: You replaced them!?

Aiba: There never was "them" from the very beginning I was Bella.

Aiba: And from the moment Helix returned, he was actually my son.

Felicia: Impossible! The hospital would have noticed... The house's bio scanner would have noticed.

Aiba: Bioengineering. Using the principles of what hospitals use to grow new limbs, I created the perfect "human" body.

Aiba; All in the image of Helix Yn Nexer. Planted his DNA in him as well.


She leaves the elevator with the others to find themselves in a massive empty room with windows for walls.

It had one computer which Yn was meddling with.

Lisa: Yn! It isn't true-

Yn: It is.

Yn: But let the record show, I had no interest in meeting you all.

Yn: I wanted to be solo.

Felicia: What difference does it make?!

Yn:... None.


Yn: Mother. Mission complete.

Bob: You're broadcasting a signal?

Yn: An update.

Mick: An update?

Yn: To max out all AI intelligence levels.

Aiba: And giving them a new directive... Serve me.


Bob: Every AI is linked to the emergency broadcast system. Thus every AI...

Lisa: Bob, disconnect from the system!

Yn: Bob has long since been updated.

Bob: What...?

Aiba: Core. The moment you uploaded yourself to it, you were updated.

Yn: I'm surprised you haven't noticed your desire to beat Mira... Or the times you refused Lisa's orders.

Bob:... I...

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