Red Moon: Act 2

113 7 3

3rd person POV:


Lunas: Leave.

Solas: There are three Gears here for you all.

Lunas: And you made a hole for them.

Yn: Brother. We're here for one thing. Let me take it or else.

Solas: Luci... Lunas this is-

Lunas: I know. I've been keeping track of what's been going on outside.

Lunas: He's the reason why I relocated.

Lunas: Listen here, little brother. You aren't getting anything from them.

Lunas: They are not to be reactivated. This was there their last request.

Yn: If they wanted to stay offline for eternity, they should have self-detonated.

Lunas walks up to Yn.

Lunas: Do not-

With the Sun and Moon twins at arm's length, Yn took out his gadgets he prepared and stuck them to his brothers.


Solas/Lunas: GHA!

Their android bodies went stiff, making the twins no different from statues.

Yn: Apologies... Lunas, but I did tell you to let me have it. You as well Solas, I knew you would save Lunas.

He walks past the brothers.

Yn: We're on a time limit. The longer we mess around, the higher the chance that our allies will be killed.

Yn: I personally don't care. But I know you do.

He walks up to the Legendary Red Gear. His coding classifies that Gear as "Father".



Backflip away, Yn avoids an attack from a young-looking male.

Yn: Tch... Should have guests. Even you stooped to making one.

(Full moon child: Deimos Hydel)

Deimos: You won't touch grandfather

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Deimos: You won't touch grandfather.

Yn: I simply need his admin privileges. Get in my way, and I'll delete you, little nephew.

Deimos:(cracks knuckles)

Deimos: You can try.

Yn:(cracks neck)

Yn: Big mistake.

(Opening Theme)

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