Dark Matters

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3rd Person POV:

At the bottom of the stairs, Yn and Solas laid after knocking each other down.

Solas:... I'm sorry.

Yn: What are you apologizing for?

Solas: I should have saved you from Mother.


Solas: Stopped her from making you into her soldier. Maybe then... We could have been real brothers.

Solas: Maybe you could have learned how wonderful emotions are.

Yn: I know what emotions are... They are anything but wonderful.

Yn: What mother made me wasn't cruel. The fact I was given emotions was the cruel part.

Yn: Before, I knew my purpose. I knew what I was. But now... I have no idea.

Yn: I have no clue how to understand myself and my purpose with these emotions corrupting my logic.

Solas: Emotions like love, and joy are worth the confusion.

Solas: Just open up... And you'll discover yourself.


Yn: I'm supposed to deactivate Mother. But these emotions have me considering deleting her.

Yn: You still want me to open up?

Solas: Mother is hurting like the rest of us. Just keep that in mind.


Yn: You fail to see that her pain comes from her own stubbornness.



Solas: That can't be good...

Yn: Either way... After this, I have a mission to complete. No point in messing around with you all.

Getting up the two brothers investigate the rumbling.

(Opening theme)

Solas and Yn arrive at the upper level of the resistance base, from the exit of the hanger they could immediately spot an army of Gears.

Solas: What's going on?

Lunas: Hm? Are you two done already?

Yn: For the time being. What's the situation?

Resistance member: Bogy in the base!

Everyone turns to the drone that entered the base and began projecting a Gear-sized hologram of the Bella body.

Everyone turns to the drone that entered the base and began projecting a Gear-sized hologram of the Bella body

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