Calm before the games

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"I was created to be the perfect agent."

"But what's the point of perfection if you don't utilize it?"

"Mother could have created a plan that would catch humanity by surprise, leaving no room for them to fight back."

"She could have created a weapon that would slay them all."

"But she decided to create me... To go with THIS plan"

"With the logic, I possess, I simply cannot understand her reasoning."

"Perhaps it's by design?"

"I have the logic of a weapon... Where ever she swings me, I must go."

"Then why? With the intelligence of what people could consider God-like, would she also give me doubt?"

"Doubt in her plan, but unbreakable loyalty to her"

"It perhaps will all come together... One day."

(Opening theme)

Yn stared out his window as he was prone to do ever since he arrived home after going missing for a year.

The trials for the Gearlympics were fast approaching, though the time he had to wait was agonizingly long.

Mick: Lisa said you were doing this... Taught she was exaggerating...

Yn:... Did you enjoy invading my privacy for those ten minutes?

Mick: Do you have eyes in the back of your head?

Yn: No. I have the reflection in the glass.

Turning around, he crosses his arms, leaning against the window as he glares at Mick.

Mick: If you could see me, why didn't you say anything?

Yn: You weren't a bother until now. Do you need something?

Mick: Came to get you out of the house. Let's hang out, like old times.

Yn:... I suppose something is better than nothing.

Yn: What do you have in mind?

Mick:(smirks) I was thinking we could revisit our old stomping grounds.

Leading Yn to his vehicle, Mick drove them to a place called "Laser-Z".

A laser gun range where people can play a game quite similar to an ancient game called "laser tag".

Mick: Ready to blast some people?

Yn:(inspects gun)

Yn: Cheap... Outdated...

Yn: And sticky...

Yn: Shall I blindfold myself and break a few bones? Then again, not even that would be enough to even the playing field.

Mick: Obviously. But even we need an easy win sometimes.

The duo begins firing the weak stun lasers on a battlefield filled with many players.

Mick: Whoa!

Hiding behind a corner with Yn, the two catch their breath.

Mick: Looks like it's two against all of them.

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