Range Of Uranus: Act 2

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3rd Person POV:

Zeta was zooming around at top speed, battling the home turf team of this game.

Taking on their challenge, Mick was eager to be the victor.

Ramming into Vulture, Mick attempted to shove her through her team's platform.

But with the help of her allies, they managed to knock the earthling away.

Mick: I can do this! One last push is all I need!

Circling back around, Zeta rammed into the team.

Vulture:(coms) Predictable!

They opened fire on him with their range attacks.

Mick: It doesn't matter!

Mick: Cast off!!

The Asteroid cast Zeta had exploded off, becoming a shower of debris that rained down onto their platform, taking out several panels.

And with Zeta's momentum, Mick managed to fly straight into the Uranus team, smashing them straight through their platform, at the cost of major damage to his Gear.

That didn't matter, Mick proved a point in his book, and left to continue the game.

But finding the damage to his Gear prevented it from transforming. He would find some difficulty continuing with his previous strategy.

(Opening theme)

On the Earth platform, two battles raged on.

Core versus Angel. And Lady G versus Fenix.

To end this fight the quickest, the Earth team had to make their opponents land on their platform which would disqualify them.

But of course, that's easier said than done.

(Battle theme)

Taking pot shots at Angel, Core leaped back when she was too close.

Wacking her with his rifle, Core watched a circle around behind him. Swinging his rifle onto Core's shoulder, Bob fired behind himself to try and get Angel.

It wouldn't be so be so simple, however, for Mira was fantastic with mobility, a skill only second to her combat prowess, which she demonstrated by tripping Core.

Bob: Stardust! Lisa why didn't you build me smarter!?

Coming down for an axe kick, Core held his rifle aside and fired for a sudden dodging opposite to the shot fired.

Lisa: You seem pretty smart to me.

Bob: You're my creator, you have to say that!

Correcting his position with the Gear's thrusters, Core floated away whiles shooting at Angel.

Meanwhile, Lady G and Fenix were above them, clashing like war rivals.

Lady G's sudden dodges make her an annoying opponent for the Mars Queen of pilots.

Thus was the time to bring out the mental warfare.

Dina:(coms) I've gotta know... How's the love life?

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