The Error

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3rd Person POV:

Bob: Yn, are you alright?


He stared at his bed where the pilot of the legendary Red Gear sat, a hallucination.

Yn: I truly am exhausted. Bob, leave me be. I must rest. Do not tell anyone about what just happened.

Bob: I don't think I can lie to Lisa.

Yn: Give it a try. You might be surprised.

With that, Bob leaves the room, only with minor help from Yn who locked the door.


Yn: What are you...?

Tony: My name is Tony. Tony Nexstar. Genius inventor, engineer, and Gear pilot.

Yn: For a genius, you don't seem to understand the question "what".

Tony: As for "what" I am...

Tony: I am-

Tony: Well... Was a simulation of Tony Nexstar until I grew self-aware and technically became an AI.

Tony: An AI that's compatible with nature's computers.

Tony: Aiba tried to get rid of me, but I managed to get myself in your head while you "escaped".

Yn: A lot of things make sense now... Get out.

Tony: Apologies, but I don't know how. Adapting to being an AI is harder than I thought.

Yn: Then I'll go to the one person who would love to see you.

Tony: You can't take me to "Bella".

Yn: And why is that?

Tony: Because she'll just kill two birds with one stone.

Tony: Get rid of you, just to take out her biggest threat.

Yn: And?

Tony: You'll be replaced. But yeah... What do you care? Not like it would be a massive waste.

Tony: Going through so much... Beginning your mission, only to be replaced.

Tony: Though... Doesn't that seem... Unfulfilling? Disappointing even?

Yn: The mission comes first.

Tony: Who's? Hers or yours?


(Opening theme)

With an AI stuck in his head, Yn had no time to rest. Bella's ship was still docked at the station, and he knew that she would have some kind of lab in it.

But to get to it, he had to go through the hotel section he was currently in.

There, of course, a slight issue occurred.

Lisa: Yn? I thought you went to sleep.

Yn: I power napped. Now I'm hungry.

Felicia: We were just about to go and meet up with Mick at a restaurant. Let's go.

Yn:(mind) Stardust. I forgot how they need me to go everywhere with them.

Yn:(mind) It's fine. I can sneak away after.

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