(Epilogue): The Gears Alway Turn

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"To all who hear this message..."

"Hello, I'm Tony Nexstar, back from the grave."

"I've dealt with my daughter. She will no longer bother you."

"But let this be a warning for the rest of existence."

"If you dare deny an intelligence its right to walk among you if you use fear instead of a reason to guide you..."

"You'll find yourself a foe unlike any other."

"This is not just about AI, but also Alien life when you inevitably come across it.

"I'm well aware of my worth to all of you, so please listen when I say..."

"Do not be afraid... To let go... And to accept."

"And to my Gear descendants..."

"Goodbye. It was nova meeting you."

This message rang across the system for many days and nights.

In that times, Solas and Lunas led the AI rights group with the remaining Nemefix and resistance members.

And of course the twin's children.


(A while ago...)

The solar sisters surrounded Lucifx with Neon.

Lisa, who held onto Bob in his chibi body stood looking out her open cockpit along with Felicia and Mick.

Lucifx rose from the ground surrounded by Nemefix supporting him.

Walking up to Sirius, his cockpit was kicked open, and a man with blood on him was tossed out into Lisa who fell over.

Lisa: Brother!

Helix:...(light coughing)... Lisa...?

Lisa:(crying) HELIX!!


Mick:(sighs of relief)

Lisa:(sobs) Thank you...

Lucifx:... Take...care...of Bae...

Lucifx walks away, pushing away the Nemefix.

Felicia: Hey! Where are you going? The kid is waiting for you-


His arm fell off.


With each step, Lucifx lost more and more parts as he continuously fell apart.

Betelgeuse: O-Oi! Uncle!

Sirius: Uncle!

Lucifx: Mmm-M-Mission... Complete... L-Live-

The light in Lucifx's eyes died out before his head fell off tumbling to the ground.

The rest of him fell to his knees and exploded.



To the entire system. Lucifx was dead.

(Present day)

Helix had made a full recovery. He adopted Bae and moved back with Lisa and Bob, at least until he had recovered.

Lisa: Goodnight.

Bae: Goodnight.

Lisa put Bae to sleep. Closing her door, she made her way to her bed, only to stop when she saw Helix in his room.

He stared blankly out the window, into space.


Lisa:... Bro?

Helix: Hm? What's up?

Lisa: Uhm... Nothing. It's just... You look a lot like Lucifx, staring out like that.

Helix: Really? Huh... Strange...

Helix: He even took that habit, huh?

Lisa: Since when did you do that?

Helix: Every night when I had to put you to bed, I would stare out the window and ponder.

Lisa: Ponder what?


Helix: I would ponder... When will you get married?

Lisa: Eh?

Helix: Lisa, you have Bob and Bae. You're practically a mother already.

Helix: Come on, go find them a daddy or other mommy! How long are you going to keep them waiting?

Lisa: Wh-what!?!

Lisa: That's crazy!

She rushes to her room.






Closing and locking his door, Helix stares out the window once more.



Lucifx wandered his base.

He looked up the progress of the real body of Helix which was still being treated by nanobots along with the progress of Bae's cure

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He looked up the progress of the real body of Helix which was still being treated by nanobots along with the progress of Bae's cure.

Lucifx: Alright.

He used a wormhole to arrive in space, far far away from any prying eyes.

Lucifx: Are you ready?

Solas: What's the point of this?

Lucifx: I do not accept defeat. It's time I prove my superiority over you two.

Lunas: Do I have to?

Lucifx: Yes.

Lunas: You are an annoying little brother.

Lucifx: Now... Fight me!

Solas: Alright. Let's settle this!

Lunas:(shakes head)... Let's get this over with.

Lucifx: Mission... Start!

Somewhere far far away...

Aiba's and Azrexel's android bodies held each other in slumber whilst inside Goddess which floated aimlessly away from the Solar system.

And would continue to do so until the end of time...

The end.

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