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"UuuuUuUUuUUUuuUugh" I groan and smash my alarm clock as it yells at me to wake up for school. I started junior year a week ago and I already hate it.

I drag myself out of my bed, which is really just a mattress of the floor with a huge white comforter and 6 white pillows on it, and onto my hardwood floor. I somehow find the strength to stand and turn on the light.

I squint at first, and then jump when I realize how messy my room is. "Good thing I have no friends to worry about." I say to myself and walk into my closet ignoring the mess.

I pick out a red skater skirt and a skin tight floral tank top with buttons down the front. I wouldn't say I was anorexic skinny, but I'm definitely not fat. You can't see my ribs but you can feel them if you put your hands on them.

I guess you could say everything about my appearance was average except for two things. One, my waist is very skinny and my hips are very wide, my step mother likes to call them good "birthing hips". And two, I have very bad eyesight and wear glasses. They're the popular nerd glasses that everyone seems to wear these days, but they have a thinner rim around them.

I grab my glasses off my nightstand and sit in front of my vanity getting to work on my hair first. I turn on my straightener and wait for it to heat up while I brush out my long brown hair. My dad begs me to cut it to my shoulder, he tells me I would look like him in his pot smoking days.

Yeah my parents are unconventional to say the least. My mother lives in California now so I don't see her a lot, but my dad and his new wife still live here in North Carolina. They were both flower children so they tell Taylor and I all of their pot smoking stories. Taylor is Linda's son and Linda is my step mom. Taylor and I are really good friends, he's a senior and I'm a junior, but it doesn't really matter all that much.

He's famous on vine along with a few more of his friends. They were part of this thing called MagCon before Bart, who was their bitch of a manager, was a douche and was just in it for the money.

Anyway, I finished straightening my hair then put it up into a pony tail like I always do and started applying my makeup, liquid eyeliner on the top, crayon on my bottom waterline, cover up on any blemishes, blush, mascara, more mascara, and some deep pinkish reddish lipstick.

When I was satisfied I put on my red Keds and walked out of my room. Taylor walked out at the same time as me, with no shirt on and his hair in every direction.

"Taylor, we have 15 minutes before we leave and you just woke up?" I ask and laugh at him.

"I only need 10 baby sis." he said and kissed my forehead before going into the bathroom across the hall.

I did the same and brushed my teeth while he did his hair. After I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my backpack and phone from my room and walked down the stairs into the living room.

I sat on the couch for 8 more minutes before Taylor came downstairs completely ready. He looked through his array of keys trying to decide which car to take.

"Let's just take the Range Rover and go." I chuckle and walk passed him to the oversized garage filled with Taylor and my cars.

He jumps into the driver's seat and I jump into the passenger's seat and we head off to our school.

"So Brookle, how's junior year?" Taylor asks while speeding passed all the other cars. Brookle is the nick name Taylor gave me when we first met when I was 9 and he was 11, it's been 7, almost 8, years since then and he still calls me that.

"Same as always, I do my work, no one bothers me, I bother no one." I say while looking out the window.

"Why don't you live a little Brookle? High school would be a lot more bearable if you did." he advises and we pull into the school.

I just sigh, knowing that if I try to explain any of my reasoning to him his only response would be "but it's fun".

"I'll see you after school, T." I call to him and he nods as we walk in different entrances of the school.

I head straight for my locker, put my back pack in and grab my notebooks for my first four classes, piano, calculus, quant lit (I take double period math), and english. I briskly walk through the halls and into the basement to the piano room.

I take a seat at a piano towards the front and open up the practice book, "these pieces are so easy." i mumble to myself as the classroom slowly fills with other students. I had been playing piano since I was 4 so I knew a lot about it and these pieces were practically insulting.

I waited 3 more minutes until the late bell rang and Mr. Hoffman started class.

A few minutes into our lesson about "Clair de Lune" someone opened the door and came rushing in. While still facing the board Mr. Hoffman says "You're late, Mr. Grier." that's when I look bad and roll my eyes at him, Hayes Grier.

The jock and the school superstar. He plays almost every sport and he's captain of almost every team he's on. he's supposedly some sort of athletic protégée sent down from the heavens according to this school.

Well me, I couldn't stand him. He ended up a crappy kid from an awesome family. He had a shitty personality that was overzealous and arrogant.

I sigh, it's going to be a long year since he's in 5 of my 7 classes.



I walk out of the building and towards the Range Rover, today has been hell as usual. But I did end up meeting a girl in my Quant Lit class that was really nice, her name is Natalia and she was the first person to talk to me by choice since freshman year. We exchanged numbers and decided to hang out this weekend.

I stand by the car and take out The Pearl which we had been required to read for english. I see Taylor and some other guy walking towards the car, I recognize him as the one and only Nash Grier.

"Nash!" I say and jump into his already open arms. He wraps his arms around my torso and squeezes slightly making me let out an oof sound.

"Hey baby girl." Nash says while setting me down.

"Alright let's kick it." Taylor says and makes some weird hand motion that Nash and I laugh at. We pile into the car and head towards our house.

"The Jacks said they were coming to North Carolina to visit us soon." Nash says and my eyes light up.

"The Jacks??" I say hopefully. Taylor chuckles slightly and Nash looks at me with a straight face... okay.

"Hey Brooke, Hayes told me you're in a few of his classes." Nash says looking back at me.

"What?" I say in disbelief. Hayes noticed me? Hayes noticed something other than the fact that he is "amazing at everything"?

Nash had moved on by the time I had stopped thinking about Hayes knowing who I was. I wanted to ask something about the situation, but what was I supposed to ask? I didn't even care that Hayes had noticed me. I hate Hayes and I always have, ever since 4th grade.

It's just going to be a looooooong year.


Alright when chapter 1 done!

What do you guys think?

What do you want to see happen?

Love y'all xoxo @totallytesss

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