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Today's the day, Taylor, Nash and I are flying to California to meet the rest of the guys and our managers to discuss tour details. I open up my vsco app and take a mirror picture of me and my suitcase. I'm wearing high waisted black leggings and a cropped white sweater and my platform nosebleed creeper boots. My long wavy brown hair is pulled into a high pony tail and my glasses sit on my nose perfectly and my nose ring distracts from them. My makeup is on point today if I do say so myself, my eyeliner extends into the perfect wing, my eyelashes are the coated multiple times over with mascara, my contouring worked out tremendously well and I just got my eyebrows done (her eyebrows are like Acacia Brinley's).

My acrylics tap away on my phone, creating the satisfying click sound every time I type a letter.

I add the filter to match the picture to my theme and then caption it @BrooklynDayes: packed&out

I scroll through my feed for a few seconds, then I get a notification that catches my eyes, Hayes likes the picture.

Well this can't get any worse right?


From: Nash

I'm sorry but Operation Fang Whip didn't work out to well, Hayes found out we're leaving and I don't know if he plans on trying to go to your house.

I push my glasses up on my nose, feeling the tip of it get red with anger. Of course Hayes found out! Why wouldn't he find out!

"Tay! Brooke! We need to go!" Linda's voice chimes through the house, good, at least I'm leaving and I'll never have to deal with him again, or I guess he'll have 6 months to forget I exist.



I lay in my bed staring at my ceiling while I hear the footsteps of my family walking around the house. Skylynn's little pitter-patter footsteps make me almost want to smile.


It's kind of hard to smile when the girl I want to hold and make smile more than anything is leaving to across the country today. Yeah I found out, I wasn't supposed to, but what am I supposed to think when Nash, Taylor and her are leaving, and Nash is "conveniently" going to California. I mean, Nash's phone may have been in my hands for a few minutes but that's a different story.

"Hayes have you seen my red bandana?" Nash says opening the door to my room.

"Under the shorts on my desk chair." I say emotionlessly. He grabs it and runs out of the room, barely acknowledging my sadness.

Who am I kidding, I do like Brooklyn, a lot, and no matter how many guys she drunkenly fucks I am going to like her. I mean that party was the first time we talked let alone did anything. I'm not letting her go across the country without telling her how I feel.

I slowly stand up from my bed, I stretch my arms up, letting each kink unwind itself as I do. I rub my tired eyes, trying to see correctly.

I put on a random lacrosse shirt and walk out of room, running into the exact person I want to run into. "Nash," I say and he turns to look at me, "why didn't you tell me Brooklyn and Taylor are going to California with you?" His eyes widen and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, Hayes, she asked me not to say anything." his eyes are sad and sympathetic.

"Is she leaving when you leave?" I ask, going into my room to grab my car keys.

"I'm not sure, probably before me since she's very punctual, ya know?" He says loudly from outside my bedroom. I get an Instagram notification that Brooklyn posted a picture, she's holding a huge suitcase.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. I practically run out the door, Nash yells something after me that I don't hear and I don't want to hear.

I floor it to Brooklyn's house, she only lives 10 minutes away, but I get here in 6.

"Please be home, please be home." I whisper as I speed walk up the walk way to her massive house.

I knock, praying that someone will answer. Nick, her dad, answers the door, "hey, Hayes, what brings you here?" He doesn't open the door fully and leans against the door hinge.

"Has Brooklyn left yet?" I ask hopefully.

"Hayes," he sighs, kind of sadly, "if you had been here literally one minute ago you would have caught her, she went to the airport."

I try to disguise the fact that my breathing changes, I would miss her by a minute. Fate would do that to me.

"But, she left this note for you." he says a little peppier. He hands me a pink envelope, my name written across in flawless calligraphy.

"Thank you." I say as I walk away, my legs moving and my brain barely registering the movement.

I sit in my car, in Brooklyn's roundabout drive way, and open the letter that she left for me.

Dear Benjamin,

I know you came, I knew you would but I don't know when. When you read this letter, I'll be in California planning my tour. That's right, me and Taylor are getting our own tour with special guest magcon boys and more. I couldn't be more happy with my life right now, and you're partly to thank for that. I just want to say, move on. Forget about me in the 6 months I'll be gone, you can find a pretty, sweet, amazing girl that you can actually date and not just date for homework. I'm not mad at you, I don't know if I ever was. I hope when I get home we can be civil with each other and you won't be sickened by the thought of seeing me. I don't know why you came to my house, but I want to know when I get home.

See you soon,


By the end, all of her passive aggressive comments make me realize she left and is happy because we have time apart, and I guess she doesn't reciprocate my feelings if she told me to move on.

This fucking sucks.


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