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I stare into her gorgeous hazel eyes as I make a note of her confused expression behind her glasses.

"Okay... what kind of agreement?" She asks quietly, oh god she's so shy.

"If you do my homework for the rest of the year I'll help you become popular." I say and watch her expression change. Her eyebrows draw into a scowl as she looks down at her lap and fiddles her fingers.

"Why would I want to do that?" She asks with a little attitude. I chuckle a little at her attempt at sassing me.

"Well think about it this way, if you were popular maybe Gilinsky would like you." I say with a smirk, knowing I hit a weak spot.

Her expression softens and she starts chewing on her soft, kissable lips, "what would this entail?" She asks and continues to twiddle her fingers.

"Well, assuming entail means what you would have to do, you would just have to do my homework, anything I ask, and I would come over sometimes, I'd give you a new look, teach you how to act, you'd hang out with my friends and I, anything we would want to do, and you pretend to be my girlfriend." I say like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Pretend to b-be your girlfriend?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yeah I know, it's a big thing, I bet you're honored." I say smugly.

"More like a disgusted." she retorts. "Hayes, if you haven't noticed I've hated you since 4th grade, but I'll go along with your little agreement, just because I'm sick of being this." she motions to herself and we both chuckle slightly.

"Okay so meet me at my car after school and we'll go to my house and discuss this a little more alright?" I say and she nods slightly, gets up, and hurries to class.



I walk up to Hayes at his car, my heart is beating rapidly. Why is he doing this? Why can't he just do his own homework? Why did I agree to this?!

I smile shyly at him as he opens the car door for me, Hayes is a gentleman?!

He runs to his side and gets in. "So you. excited?" He asks me a little too enthusiastically.

"Yeah." I say pretty quietly.

"You're really quiet, did you know that?" He asks and chuckles, putting his hand on my thigh. I stare at it, wishing that I could move it with my eyes so I don't have to touch him.

Apparently, I stared at his hand on my thigh the whole way to his house, because when I look up we are there.

I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car. "okay so when we get inside, if my mom is home just pretend like we are friends, okay?" Hayes says and gives me a thumbs up. I give him a sarcastic smile and return the thumbs up.

He opens the door and tries to rush me up the stairs, "Hayes honey is that you?" A woman calls from downstairs.

"Shit." Hayes mumbles, "yeah mom it's me I have a friend over." He calls down, inching me up the steps.

"Well come down here for a second and let me meet them." she says and laughs at Hayes.

We walk back down the stairs and into a very big kitchen, a woman is facing away from us towards the stove and turns around when she hears us. "Oh Hayes, who's this?" She says smiling at me.

"I'm Brooklyn, Hayes' and Nash's friend." I say and stick my hand out to shake her hand.

"Oh Brooklyn! Nash talks about you aaaaallll the time! Your Taylor's step sister, yes?" She says with that smile still placed on her face.

"Yeah I am, it's really nice to meet you." I say and smile, she turns back to cooking and waves Hayes and I off, he practically pushes me up the stairs.

"She seems nice." I say to Hayes when we make it up to his bedroom.

"Shut up, Bookie." He says to me with a smirk.

"Okay so let's talk about this 'agreement' of yours." I say and put air quotes around agreement.

"Well, first I have to get you fixed up a little bit, change your style, make you look and feel more confident, take your hair out of that pony tail it's constantly stuck in." He says and yanks my pony tail a little bit.

"Okay then what." I say and slap his hand away from my hair.

"Then we start dating. Obviously there would be no real strings attached, I wouldn't have real feelings for you and you obviously don't have real feelings for me except hatred. Guys will get more interested in you, girls will be envious of you, and you will get more friends and be popular." He pauses for a moment to kill a bug, "and then, we will have a mutual break up, nothing bad or serious, and we'll stay friends." He smiles at the end and all I want to do is slap him, we aren't friends.

"We aren't friends." I say to him and sit down on a chair next to his desk, "and all I have to do is do your homework for the rest of the school year?" I say to make sure I understood what I was getting into.

"Yuuuuuuup." he says and drags out the u.

"Okay, when do we start." I say and his face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"Tomorrow. I'll have my stylist come with us to the mall and we'll get you new clothes and then she'll teach you how to do your hair, your make ups okay but you can ask her for tips if you want it." he says and types away on his phone.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go now." I say getting up and opening my phone to text Taylor.

"Wait, why?" Hayes asks confused, "I thought we could hang out." he says quietly.

"Hayes, you don't seem to understand that I don't like you. And I'm only doing this because I hate being the person I am and you can help me with that." I say and pull Taylor's number up while walking out of the house.

I bump into Nash on my way out the door, "hey B!" Nash says and hugs me, "why were you here?" He says after realizing I was in his house.

"Talking to your nuisance of a little brother about an agreement." I say and roll my eyes. I look up into his piercing blue eyes, "I'm calling Taylor to pick me up now."

"Let me drive you." he says and grabs his keys and drags me out the door.

We start jamming to all the stupid songs on the radio, and about 10 minutes later we arrive at my house. He kisses my forehead and I walk up the driveway and into my house.

"I'm home!" I yell and the Jacks come and attack me with hugs. We all sit around in the game room and play on Xbox and we play pool for a little while before Linda gets home with dinner.

After dinner I walk up to my room and sit on my bed doing homework, mine and Hayes's.

I hear a knock on the door, "come in." I say quietly and push a piece of hair that had fallen from my pony tail behind my ear.

Gilinsky walks into the room and sits on my bed with me.

"Hey, gorgeous, want to hang out this weekend?" He asks and smiles at me. I nod and smile shyly. He kisses my cheek and walks out.

I throw myself back into my bed and take off my glasses. Today was one day I will never forget, the day that started my new life, the day I said yes to Hayes Grier's stupid agreement.


Literally always double updating bc Natasha😂

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