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Brooklyn walks out of the room rolling her eyes. I know I shouldn't have said that but she literally has never left the house.

We finish up our last game of Call of Duty on the Xbox and then head to my room. "Alright boys, what do we want to pregame for this party?" I say opening up a cabinet in my closet full of alcohol.

"What about the orange creme svedka?" Nash says from a bean bag chair in my room. I nod and grab the large bottle and a few shot glasses.

"Let's get this night started right boys." Gilinsky says and throws back a shot.

After a 15 minutes, we've all taken at least 4 shots and are starting to feel the buzz. We all sit in a circle and start talking about nothing important. After 3 more shots we are all pretty much drunk.

"So guys, how many of you like Brooklyn because I know some of you do." I slur out the sentence. Nash raises his hand.

"I would like her if she wasn't such a nerd. I mean how is she even related to you man!" Jack G slurs out and Hayes points at him agreeing.

"Well fuck you guys I think she's perfect." Nash slurred while throwing his head back.

"Taylor we should go so- oh my goodness are you guys drunk?" Brooklyn asks walking into the room in black leather high waisted shorts and a flowy white lace shirt that showed off way too much of her boobs.

"Yes, will you drive us to the party pleeeeease." Johnson screams and Brooke nods and motions for us to come downstairs with them.



We drive the five drunk idiots with us to this huge house for the party. I end up parking a little ways down the street because the last time Taylor parked close to a party his window got broken.

We walk into the house and I immediately find the alcohol. Natalia and I are downing shots. We end up drunk within 30 minutes of being at the party. Natalia found some guy to go hook up with upstairs and I'm standing in the living room trying to keep my balance.

"Having fun?" I turn to see a guy, I think I know him. His eyes are really blue he looks sort of familiar.

"Yaaaaaaah" I slur and hug the boy, I hope I know him.

He hugs me back and looks down at me, I look up at him and get lost in his breathtaking blue eyes, they were the most blue I've ever seen. He starts leaning down, and I start leaning up, and soon enough his soft lips are on mine. Everything that happens after this my mind only comprehends in short bursts.

I'm against a wall and his tongue finds its way into my mouth, his warm breath crashes into mine.

My legs are wrapped around his torso and he's backing us into an empty room and his warm breath is hitting my neck as he sucks slowly, leaving his marks on me.

My breathing hinges as he throws me on the bed and crawls on top of me, attacking me with kisses again.

His hand reaches up my shirt and I moan slightly as he rubs my boob.

His fingers reach the edge of my underwear and I look down at him as he pulls my shorts and underwear down. He brings his face closer and closer to in between my legs until he comes in contact with their destination.

"Stop." I say just as he starts to try and take his pants off and pulls a condom out of his pocket. I pull my pants up again and stumble out of the room.

"What the fuck just happened?" I ask myself as I slowly forget the limited things that I realized we're happening.

I stumble around the house until I come across Taylor taking and handing out more shots.

"Hey Taaaaaay." I slur, totally forgetting why I was even upset a second ago.

"BROOKLE! TAKE THIS SHOT WITH ME!" He screams and has someone take our picture as we take shots together. I jump on his back and him and I take more shots and we take selfies together.

I turn around and as I'm falling all over myself, like everyone else at this party, I see Gilinsky. "JACKYYYYY!" I scream at him and he runs over to me and picks me up.

"Brookey!" He says and sets me back down.

"Jack, let me just say that I have always thought that you are very attractive." I say and poke him in his chest.

"Well, Brooklyn, I have always thought you were attractive, too." And with that, he leans down and kisses me sweetly, I hear a camera click and see Taylor taking a picture of our little make out session.

"HAHAHAHAHA THIS IS A GOOD ONE." Taylor screams. I laugh and look at my phone, 1:00am.

"Taylor." I say to him.

"Yes Brooklyn." he says back mocking me.

"Let's go do something stupid." I slur and pull him, Johnson, Gilinsky, the Grier brothers, and Natalia out of the party.

Nash wasn't drunk anymore so he drove us all to the lake.

"Alright," Taylor announces and claps his hands together, "we are skinny dipping."

I laugh and clap excitedly and rush out of the car. We all immediately start stripping, Gilinsky finishes getting undressed first and he ran into the water, then Johnson, then me, then Natalia, then Taylor. Nash just sits by the car and laughs at us all.

After like an hour in the water I run out and put my clothes back on.

"Nashie I'm tired and I just want to puke and sleep." I slur and lay in the back seat of the car.



I woke up in Taylor's room, and everyone else was also in the room, with a bottle of Svedka cradled in my arms.

"What the fuck happened." I say before running into the bathroom and puking into the toilet.

"Aw baby." Taylor says and holds my hair back. I eventually stopped dry heaving after everything was out of my system.

"Taylor what the fuck happened last night." I say and lean my head back against the wall next to the toilet.

"The only thing I remember is skinny dipping in the lake." he says and we both start laughing. I soon stop after my head throbs.

We head back into Taylor's room and I find my phone. When I open it up I look through my camera roll and see hundreds of pictures I don't remember taking, with all of the kids I've despised since fourth grade. Then some cute ones of Taylor and I taking shots together, and then one of...


I run into the bathroom and look in the mirror, not only do I look hideous, but I have hickeys, all down my neck and chest and stomach. "oh my goodness." I whisper to myself. Jack and I couldn't have gone farther then just kissing with Taylor watching. But I don't remember anything, at all.

I walk to my room and lay on my bed, going back to sleep hopefully for the rest of my life.


I should be doing homework but I'm not.

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