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My eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings, I guess I fell asleep after the Jack debacle. I pick up my phone and look at the time, it's only 3pm. considering the time difference I guess it's not that weird.

I take this time to look around my room, it's nice, spacious but empty and simple. There's white walls and carpets and the white bed, but all the furniture is mahogany (lox lol). There's a small closet that holds a mahogany dresser and a bathroom with a tub a toilet and a sink. I walk out of the bathroom and notice a glass door leading out to the backyard pool area. I sit back on the bed and rub my eyes before going to the mirror to look at myself.

"Yeah she's been locked in this room since they got here." I hear from outside the door, I assume the voice was Gilinsky and I ignore it.

"Well I really want to meet her, Taylor has never told me anything about her before." an unfamiliar voice rings through the door and into my ears.

After the voices walk away from my door I reapply mascara and the eyeliner I wiped off and redo my pony tail.

I exit the room and walk towards the voices I hear on the other side of the large house.

"Princess!" Nash yells when he sees me, what's with him and the nicknames? All the heads in the room turn to look at me and I instantly feel my cheeks and nose heat up.

What seems like a million boys come up to me and I try my best to not get over whelmed. "okay Brooklyn," Taylor starts, "these are the guys." he motions his arm in their direction.

The first one to step forward is very tall, his brown hair is pushed up in a cliff and his dark brown eyes arm turned into happy slits, "Hi, I'm Jacob." He sticks out his hand for me to shake, obviously already knowing who he was, I feel like a hand shake doesn't suffice, so I pull him into a hug.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm Matthew." I smile very widely at the adorable blonde boy in front of me.

"Hi, Matthew, I've heard that we would be great friends." I say and he nods in agreement before pulling me into a warm, tight hug.

"I'm Carter." an Asian guy says and I repeat the hug routine with him.

When I come to Shawn our hug and introduction lasts a little longer since we had talked on Twitter before. He tells me that he has to hear me sing and I tell him I pray for his ears.

Lastly I come to a gorgeous guy, "I'm Cameron, and unlike these doofuses the only things I know about you are what I learn from your vine YouTube Instagram and Twitter." he says confidently and shakes my hand.

"Well hello Cameron, and Taylor didn't tell me much about you either." I pull him into a hug and his large arms wrap around my body as if it is a tooth pick.

"Okay, now that everyone knows each other we are getting back to our game." Taylor says and all the guys follow him back to the game room. I laugh and shake my head.

I head back to my room to put on a bikini. I'm in a house full of hot teenage boys and you don't think I'm going to have a little fun? I put on a sea foam green top that ties around my neck and plunges to expose some cleavage. I pair it with bottoms that have a palm tree pattern in the same color, plus they make my ass look fantASStic.

I grab sunglasses, tanning oil my phone and headphones, and a towel and head outside using the door in my bedroom. From the small glimpses I have gotten of the house so far I know that there is a perfect view of the pool from the game room.

I smirk to myself before starting my plan, I wrap the towel around myself and put the sunglasses on before I get into the view from the game room. When I reach one of the pool chairs a slowly let the towel fall, making sure to basically make a show out of this nonchalantly. I spray the tanning oil on my legs and bend over to rub it in, my back facing the window. After a few seconds I can feel eyes on me, I spray some of the oil into my hand and rub it in the exposed parts of my butt cheeks.

I hear something hit the glass and I turn around to see all the guys except Taylor with their faces pressed against the window with wide eyes. I laugh and motion with my hand for them to come join me. They all run to their bedrooms and I see Taylor flipping me off, I stick my tongue out and finish with the tanning oil before laying down to tan.

"You're such a tease." I hear someone say from next to me. I open my eyes to see Jack sitting next to me, "all I want to do is slide those bikini bottoms off and fu-" he is cut off my the splash of water and I let out a huge sigh of relief before jumping in after whoever just jumped.

I rise to the surface to see a confused and surprised Cameron in front of me. "Oh thank God it was you! That scared the shit out of me!" He says and splashes water in my direction as payback. I laugh and splash him back, this turns into an all out battle, which turns into an all out war when all the other guys get in the pool too.

After what seems like hours in the pool I get out and pick up my phone, wow, it's 7:30, we did spend hours in the pool. I go inside and take a shower, rinsing myself from the pool chemicals and the plane ride that I took earlier today.

I think about tomorrow and how not only am I going to discuss my tour, but I'm going to see my mom for dinner.

"Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day," I think as I rinse the shampoo off of my hair.


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