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Another day, another smashing on my alarm clock.

It's the end of my second week and I couldn't be happier. I may be a nerd, but I still hate school. Apparently there's a party tonight. Natalia told me she thinks we should go, I don't want to say no because she's my only friend at this point, and maybe it will be fun?

Chances are we will end up going. I don't really let people know, but ask Taylor, I get crazy at parties. Especially when I get drunk.

I did my morning routine, put on some light wash high waisted shorts and a white, flowy, lace up blouse. I put on my glasses and my navy blue converse, grab my backpack, and walk downstairs.

I stop dead in my tracks at the bottom of the staircase. There, right in front of my eyes, is Jack and Jack.

"Hey Little B." Johnson says and opens his arms for me. I drop my bag and run to him. I launch myself into his arms and wrap my legs around his torso.

"Jack I've missed you so much." I mumble into his shoulder.

"I've missed you, too, Little B." He says and then put me down.

I turn to my right and there is the one and only Jack Gilinsky. He's standing there with his arms wide open and a huge smile plastered on his face.

I slowly make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, I have to get on my tippy toes because I'm only 5'4 and it's hard to reach him. He wraps his strong arms around my waist and lifts me up so my head is at the same height as his.

"Hey Jacky." I whisper and he smiles.

"Hey Brookey." He whispers back and I blush.

See Gilinsky and I have always had a sort of romance. But I knew it would never happen. Even though he didn't live here, he was popular in Omaha, and I'm a nerd, and he knows and I know. Taylor didn't really care about Jack and my budding romance, he's over protective but not when it comes to me and his friends. Nash has always cared about everything and is 100x more over protective.

Gilinsky kisses my forehead and sets me down. "How long are you here for?" I ask and look back at Johnson.

"A week." he responds on his way to the couch. I nod and then Taylor comes down the stairs.

"I see you've found them." He says and smirks. He grabs the keys to one of his many sports cars and motions for me to come to the garage. "We'll be home around 2:30." Taylor calls to Jack and Jack. They mumble in response and start playing in our game room.

Our house is unnecessarily big. With both Taylor and I on vine we make a large chunk of money, even though I'm no where near as popular as Taylor. And to add to that our parents are both very successful surgeons.

We arrive at school and Taylor and I part as we always do. I walk into the school, go to my locker and get the things I need, and then go to Natalia's locker.

"Hey Natles." I say cheerily and lean against the locker next to hers.

"Hey Brookles." She says equally as cheerily and closes her locker. We stand there for a little while talking about the party. "I really think we should go." Natalia says hopefully.

"Okay." I say and she looks at me like I have two heads.

"Did you just say okay?" She says excitedly and grabs my shoulders.

"Yeah, you can come over after school and we will get ready together." I say and shrug her hands off me.

"YES BROOKLYN INDIGO DAYES I LOVE YOU." She says a little too loud.

"Hey no one in this school needs to know my embarrassing middle name." I say and point my finger straight at her nose. Yes, my middle name is Indigo, like the color. I told you, my parents were hippies and they're extremely unconventional. But Linda has been setting my dad straight since they got married 3 years ago. My mom is still wild though.

I say goodbye to Natalia and walk to piano. When I get inside, a nuisance is sitting in my seat. I don't know what to do, when it comes to popular people I am extremely shy. I slowly walk towards him and stand next to the piano, he looks up at me from his phone. "um hi." I say very quietly and shyly.

"Hey there Booklyn" he says and smirks.

"Um my names Brooklyn, with an r." I say and look at my feet.

"Your nose is always in a book, so drop the r and you get Booklyn. I'm gonna call you Bookie." He says and gets up from my seat and walks to his own.

What the fuck just happened.



I walk into the courtyard with Natalia and we sit in the grass near the corner. I open up my Genetics book and start studying more for my test today.

"Brooke you haven't taken your nose out of a book since I met you." she says and takes my textbook away.

"I know I just really like school." I say and blush. Natalia shakes her head and we just talk about random things. "Oh I totally forgot to tell Taylor I'm riding home with you." I say and take out my iPhone 6 from my pocket.

To: T Dawg😎

Hey Tay, I'm having a friend over and she's driving and I'm driving with her❤️

I pressed send and he read it but didn't respond. We often don't respond to each other's texts.

After lunch I went through the rest of my classes, aced my genetics quiz and waited at the front of the school for Natalia.

She walked over to me and motioned me over to her Tesla Model 3. "Oh my gosh NATALIA ELENA SAILERS WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAVE THIS CAR?" I say and run my hand along the door.

"Just get in you idiot." she says laughing at me.

I direct her to my house as we jam out in the car. We pull up to the house and she stares at it with her jaw on the floor. "This is your house?" She says and gets out of her car.

"Yes, I know it's been in like 2 magazines, my step-mother is that kind of person haha." We keep laughing and I walk inside.

"Tay I'm home!" I say and try to run upstairs with Natalia before the boys see us.

"Brookle come into the game room for a second!" I sigh and tell Natalia to wait in my room.

"Yeah Ta-" I'm cut off by what I see. Hayes. Hayes fucking Grier in my house. I look around and the Jacks, Nash, and Taylor are all just playing in the room while Hayes is smirking at me.

"Hey are you going to that party tonight?" Taylor asks without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah I am with Natalia, so I'm gonna go now." I say and turn to leave as all the boys stop and look at me like I just said I was having a baby. "What?" I say and look at them all again.

"You're going to a party?" Taylor says in disbelief.

"Yeah and I guess I'll see you there." I say to him and roll my eyes and walk out.

I run upstairs to Natalia rummaging through my mini fridge. "I see you've found the jackpot." I say and she jumps and turns to look at me.

"You have like 100 tubs of icecream up here. AND YOUR CLOSET OH MY GOODNESS ITS BEAUTIFUL." She yells and falls on to my bed with a tub of strawberry icecream in her hand.

We hang out for a little while before realizing its 5 and the party starts at 7.

"We should start getting ready." I say to Natalia and she nods, we make our way into my closet and start looking for outfits.


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