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"Hey," I jump at the voice that comes from my doorway. I reluctantly look at the door, not really willing to face the person I know will be stand there. My eyes finally land in Hayes's blue ones.

I get lost in them, they suck me in and I can see every emotion hidden behind them. I feel the zoo grow in my stomach and the hum that radiates around my body when I see him turns into a buzz when I stare deeply into his eyes.

"Um hello, earth to Bookie?" He says, sitting next to me on the bed and waving his hands in front of my face.

"Oh hi." I say sheepishly, tucking the constantly intrusive piece of hair behind my ear.

"Why did Taylor invite me over?" He asks and grabs my hand, stroking his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Well, I guess I have some minor news." I say and shrug my shoulders.

In all honesty, the news isn't that big. Sure, he doesn't like when Jack and I hang out or when I talk or look at other guys but our relationship is fake. There isn't anything real about this besides the tiny feelings I have for him.

"What is it?" He lets go of my hand and turns to fully look at me.

"Well last night, Jack and I went to a party because it was his last night. We got really drunk and long story short he kind of took my virginity." I spew the word like vomit, not knowing how to put this in any better words.

Hayes just stares at me, his head slightly sideways and his eyes a little wide.

"I mean I don't even know why Taylor made me tell you. Apparently he thought it was important that you know for some reason. But it doesn't affect you or anything, like our relationship is fake so whatever right?" I laugh at the end and Hayes's head sort of snaps up to look me straight in the eyes.

His normally vibrant blue eyes are lack luster and show no emotion. He looks at me like I had said something awful. "Right, we mean nothing. We were nothing this relationship is fake and nothing that we have is real, haha." He laughs, but this isn't his real laugh that sends tingling up my spine and makes my heart race.

Why do I feel like I just messed everything up?



"I mean I don't even know why Taylor made me tell you. Apparently he thought it was important that you know for some reason. But it doesn't affect you or anything, like our relationship is fake so whatever right?" Brooklyn laughs at the end, cutting me to the core. I can feel like heart shattering inside of me as she lets every venomous word slip through her angelic teeth.

Did she really feel nothing for the past month we've been hanging out? I find it hard to believe honestly. Not because I'm "The Hayes Grier" or because I'm so special or anything, just because after everything I thought she felt the things the I feel.

I want to tell her, I want to scream at her and call her a slut and make her feel as much pain as I feel right now. It's not like I thought I was going to be her first, but I didn't think she would lose it to Jack.

I stare into her hazel eyes, searching them for some hint of emotion but the only one I can see is guilt. Actually, guilt is written all over her face. All I want is for her to feel my pain, or share any of my feelings for that matter.

I want her to want to hold me and kiss me like I want to do to her, I want her to think about me all the time and wish that I was hers.

"Right, we mean nothing. We were nothing this relationship is fake and nothing that we have is real, haha." I say, not trusting myself to say anything else. I just smile, and try my best to act normal.

She just tore me apart. I honestly just want to grab her face and say "you're an idiot." and then smash my lips onto her soft ones. i want her to know that she literally means so much to me.

"Hayes? Are you okay?" She says in her sweet, chocolate voice that makes my head spin.

"Yeah I'm fine. Lets just get this agreement over with and keep it on a professional level." I don't want to risk getting myself hurt anymore, the easiest way to do that is to stay as far from Brooklyn as possible.

"Um... okay?" She says as a question. I stand up and start leaving, I look back at Brooklyn who is staring at me with the most confused expression on her face.

Come on, Hayes. You can turn around and tell her how you feel. Say it Hayes, say it before it's too late, say it before you run out of time, just tell her. I make my last steps towards the door, my last chance to tell her how I feel.

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in, I run my fingers through my hair and right before I leave I look back to see Brooklyn, my beautiful, smart, sarcastic, Brooklyn, with a tear running down her cheek.

The only thing I can think right now as I'm leaving her room is that we might be together if I got my head out of my ass and told her, and that I want to beat the last breath out of Jack Gilinsky.

His name reminds me, Brooke let him fuck her. She wasn't thinking about my feelings at all. Rage fills me as I realize I don't care if she's crying, she just throws me to the side and thinks that I have no feelings.

Well Brooklyn Indigo Dayes, two can play that game.

And I am going to win it.


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