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It's been a few days since I've heard anything from Brooklyn, plus she wasn't in school yesterday and I don't know if she's ever missed a day in her life.

I nonchalantly search the halls for her as I make my way to piano. I don't see her anywhere, and when I get to piano our teachers sitting at his grand piano answering emails on the computer that sits on the top of.

The class fills, seat by seat, piano by piano, occupied by everyone but the person I want to see.

The first bell rings, the warning bell. She has to come. She's not going to be late, and she's certainly not going to miss school two days in a row.

The class settles down as the late bell rings. Brooklyn still isn't here.

"Alright class, I'm going to take attendance and then we'll get started." Mr. Hoffman says. He starts going down the attendance list, and when he passes the D section without saying Brooklyn's name, I get confused.

"Mr. Hoffman," I say raising my hand, "you'd don't call Brooklyn's name." I try to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Oh, Ms. Dayes was pulled from Davidson Day last Friday, Mr. Grier." Mr. Hoffman says while typing away on his computer.

Pulled? As in unregistered? Why would she be unregistered? Was it because of me? No, she may have been upset but she loves school. Whatever I'll just ask Taylor about it at lunch.

As the day progressed, lunch came around. I walk up to Taylor's normal table, and he's not there. "Hey Tez, where's Taylor?" I question one of the people at the table.

"He got pulled form Davidson Day on Friday, dude." Tez says like it's obvious.

"Why?" I ask, trying to be as casual as I can.

"I'm not really sure dude, sorry." he says and then becomes quickly disinterested in our conversation.

I walk to my normal table with my friends and sit down, no one even looks in my direction or unravels themselves from their conversation for second to acknowledge me.

I need to find out where Brooklyn is.



These past few days have been anything but relaxing. I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to organize the trip details, and online school and my life.

Taylor has helped 0 and I feel like he isn't fazed by this tour at all.

The only thing keeping me sane is my daily conversations with Jack Johnson, who seems to understand the stress I'm feeling.

Plus all this stress isn't helping the pressure of seeing my mom in 4 days. I have no idea how she's going to act or what's going on in her life right now. I told her I was coming so it's not like I'm surprising her or anything, but I think we're both a little worried about what the other will think.

I sigh and pick up my phone, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram and I come across a hashtag on one of my fan account, #bringbackBayeslyn

Oh god, this can't be good. I look through the hashtag on Instagram, there are so many photos of Hayes and I that I didn't even know existed. There were people saying that they were crying when they found out that we broke up.

I find myself laughing while going through the tag. All of these people were under the insane impression that Hayes actually had feelings for me. they had no idea that this was an agreement that we stupidly made before thinking any of it through.

I sigh again, something I've been doing much too often lately, and open my computer to do some online school work in order to avoid cleaning and packing.



School ends and I get in the car with Nash.

"Hey Nash, do you know why Brooklyn and Taylor got pulled from school?" I ask when I get into the car.

"Oh yeah I heard about that." Nash says, I assume he means he doesn't know why so I just drop the subject. "It's not because of you." Nash adds.

"I didn't think it was." I say and close my eyes, mimicking how Brooklyn would always sleep while I drove.

"You're an idiot you know, plus what you said to Ang the other day was so mean." Nash says and shakes his head disapprovingly at me.

"Well I can't undo it now." I say to myself and put my hand on my cheek. I take my phone out and start writing a new text to Ang. It was going to be an apology text, but knowing Ang, saying sorry in person is the only way to get her to forgive me.

To: Angela Vasco

Meet me at the Starbucks on the end of my street? We need to talk.

I press send and anxiously await her response. Depending on what mood she's in she may definitely say no.

I smile when I look down at her response, "this better be an apology, I'll see you in 10 minutes."

"Drop me at the Starbucks." I say to Nash. He nods and 8 minutes later he pulls up to the Starbucks and let's me out.

"Ang" I say when I see her sitting in the far corner. She smiles and waves me over. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a bun and she has a distracting red lipstick on.

"Hey, Hayes." she sits and crosses her arms.

"I know you're pissed, you have every right to be. I shouldn't have talked to you that way, but you have no idea how hard this past week has been for me." I say to her, pleading for forgiveness already.

When she doesn't say anything I continue, "I'm sorry for being so sassy to my friend, stylist, and life coach, but Brooklyn hurt me." I say, half being serious and half trying to lighten the mood.

She cracks and smile and the unfolds her arms, "all is forgiven." she says and I smile widely. "But, Brooklyn came to my house sobbing about the fact that you hate her and that she's a slut and all this stuff and it pained me to see her that way, especially because you caused it." Ang says seriously.

She's right, Brooklyn was sad, hurt, broken and crying, and I'm the reason.

Realization set in right there, I am the worst thing that has ever happened to Brooklyn Indigo Dayes.


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