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I stare blankly at her car as she drives away, cursing myself as I watch.

I know the second that her car pulls away that I regret it, I like her so much, I want to know more about her I want to get to know her and fall madly in love with her, but I just built up her walls, keeping her concealed to herself.

"Why am I so stupid." I ask myself. I want to tell her so many things! Curse my stupid brain for thinking that this was the right idea.

I should be the one that holds her and tells her everything will be okay. She doesn't understand how when I told her I didn't want to see her again I mean I never want her to leave my arms. I want to endlessly smell her sweet, green apple shampoo, I want to eternally burn with the sensation of her skin touching mine. I just want her to know everything, but I guess I just messed that up.

I trudge into the house, not being able to stand looking at the spot where her car just sped out of. I can't believe I messed things up with her so badly, she was the one girl who made Hayes Grier feel like an average guy. She challenges me and treats me like a normal person, not like some internet superstar.

"Hayes?" My mom yells from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom?" I say quieter as I walk into the kitchen.

"Oh hey, I just didn't know you were hone, I assumed you'd be with Brooklyn." she asks and looks at me crookedly while drying a plate.

"Oh uh, we broke up." I say and scratch the back of my neck.

"Sit down and tell me what happened." she says and continues washing the dishes as I tell her the whole story.

"And now she thinks I'm mad at her and I hate her when really, I just wanted our relationship to be real." I end the story, my head resting on my palm.

"Listen Hayes, and listen good. I didn't raise rude, annoying, and stupid boys, You need to apologize to her, you need to tell her how you feel, or else you need to lay in the bed you made and forget about her." My mom says and pats my shoulder.

I walk upstairs and enter my room, going to lay in the bed I made.



By the time I get home my makeup is all the way down my cheeks, smeared into long endless streaks of tears.

I can barely breathe and my brain is clogged with thoughts of Hayes.

I wipe my cheeks and take a few deep breaths before walking inside.

I step inside the house and hear a few voices, Taylor and some of his friends are here.

I basically start sprinting up the stairs, trying to do everything in my power to avoid Taylor, when I hear "Brooklyn?"

I curse under my breath, "hi." I say and my voice cracks. I just continue up my stairs and slam my door closed.

I'm all alone. I have no friends, not even fake ones anymore. I do the only thing I can think of, I call my moms old number.

I listen to the ringing, the slow and silent ring that's constant and never changing. The only closure and consistency in my life, the deafening ring of my neglecting mother's phone.

Then, on the 5th ring, the ringing stops. A sweet, chipper voice says "Janessa Williams who's calling?"

I freeze at the sound of my moms voice. I hang up, the tears continue falling and I sit there, silent tears falling.

"Brooklyn?" I hear from the doorway, I look to see my dad standing in the doorway, an extremely worried look on his face.

"She answered." I whisper, my voice sounding small and broken.

"Who?" He walks to my bed and lifts me into his warm chest.

"Mom." I say, still as quietly as before.

"What? Brooklyn Indigo I told you to not speak to that woman again!" He stands up and points his finger at me.

"She's my mother! I want to have a relationship with her!" I scream at him, standing up and looking up at him.

"That's stupid Brooklyn! She has a new life now!"

"Dad I don't know why you're so mad! She's my mom she does love me!" I run my fingers through my hair, getting frustrated.

"She left us Brooklyn! She doesn't love you and she doesn't want you!" He screams, getting in my face.

"How could you say that." I whisper, tears spilling out of my eyes.

I grab my phone and push passed my dad who has guilt written all over his face.

"Brooklyn." he says as I walk down the stairs.

"FUCK YOU NICK." I say to my dad, using his name to make him mad.

"Woah Brooke." Taylor says stopping me and scanning my face while his hands are in my cheeks.

"Move, Taylor, I'll be back later to pick up my stuff, I'm leaving."

"Where do you think you're going?" He laughs and leans against a wall.

"To California, with my mom." I say and walk into the garage.

I get into my escalade and drive away from the house, texting Angela and asking if I could come to her house for a little while.

She replies yes, sends me the address, and I drive to her house.

When I get to her one story house in the middle of a neighborhood 45 minutes away from my house I take my phone out and call my mom's number again.

One ring, two rings, three rings, fo-

(M is Mom and B is Brooklyn)

M: Janessa Williams who's calling?

B: Mom? It's B-Brooklyn

M: oh my goodness Little B! I'm so glad you called I've missed you so much!

B: you have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Dad is being an ass.

M: I know he's hard to deal with Brooklyn, trust me I know, but he gets heated, he doesn't mean the things he says.

B: Mom I want to come live with you.

M: Brooklyn I would love that, honestly I have a house that's too big and too empty that I would love if you came to live in, but your dad is you legal guardian, I have no rights with you anymore, your dad would need to approve of that.

B: I can't stand being in his house anymore!

M: calm down B, look I have a meeting soon, but I want you to go home and work this out with your father, also, call me later and we will catch up. I love you Little B.

B: love you mom


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