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I hear the the lock on the door turn and my stomach mimics its actions.

"Hello, you must be Miss Brooklyn, come in, Mrs. McCullen has been waiting for your arrival." a butler-looking man in a tuxedo moves to let me inside. Who is this and who the fuck is "Mrs. McCullen"?

"Thank you?" I say as more of a question and the man nods and leads me into the giant mansion. The entry way is nice and simple, it has a large staircase straight ahead and two hallways on either side of the stairs.

The butler leads me through one of the hallways, his foot steps echo through the house and my brain. My heart beat picks up as I realize I'm about to see my mother.

I'm mentally battling myself about whether I should be forgiving or harsh with her, my brain is in a frenzy when I realize we reach a living room with tall ceilings made of wood. There's a leather couch facing a large flatscreen TV, and sitting on the couch is a handsome older man with black hair. I push my glasses up on my nose and gulp a little as I notice his sizing me up.

"Um, hi. I'm Brooklyn." I say quietly, letting my shy side take over.

"Hi Brooklyn, I'm Ben." He stands and sets his newspaper down, he shoots me a warm smile as he pulls me into a hug. I reluctantly hug this stranger back, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"So Ben, do you know where my mother is, or if she lives here?" I say and he chuckles.

"You really are just like her." he says and shakes his head. He starts walking towards a sliding glass door, motioning for me to follow him. I briskly follow him out the back door and we enter a beautiful garden walk way. My eyes are wide as I take in the breathtaking scenery. Soon enough a gazebo is not that far ahead of us, and a woman with shoulder length brown hair in a white dress is sitting inside of it. I smile, knowing that's my mom because she's had the same haircut since I came out of the womb, and pick up my pace as I walk towards her.

"Little B!" She yells and stands up to hug me. When I hug her I can't help but smile when I feel her warm motherly embrace around me.

"Hi mom." I whisper into her rose scented hair that dances against my nose.

"You look so grown up baby!" She says and spins me around, "I've been watching you on that silly little app, what's it called? Vine?" She asks looking at Ben and he laughs and nods while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"That's great! I wish I could say I've been watching you, but you know, you haven't talked to me for almost 3 years." I say passive aggressively. The stranger standing next to my mom looks at me disapprovingly like my father would have. "So who is this mom?" I ask and motion to Ben even though we had already met.

"This is Ben McCullen, my husband." she stares lovingly into his eyes and my jaw drops.

"I'm sorry, what?" I say and start chucking, hoping I heard her wrong.

"Don't be upset, Brooklyn." My mother says sadly and I roll my eyes.

"When did this happen? Who even are you! The mom I knew wouldn't have dropped a bomb like this on me! I have a step father and you didn't tell me?!" I say flabbergasted. This was nothing like my open mom that used to tell me everything.

"Brooklyn it happened last August, please stop being ridiculous me and you weren't even talking then." she waves me off and I start getting extremely mad.

"Mother we weren't talking because you never answered my calls. I called everyday for a year! I got used to hearing your voicemail more than I was used to the fucking pain you were inflicting upon me." I hiss between my teeth. "I just can't believe you would do this to me." I look down and try to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Brooklyn come on." my mom says and grabs my wrist. She starts dragging me towards a small gate at the edge of the fenced in backyard. When we reach it, she opens it to reveal a beach.

"Okay, when did you become rich? The last time I visited you lived in a cardboard box apartment and were an alcoholic." I say and she chuckles, a sound that I let resonate in my ears.

"Brookie, do you remember when I used to tell you that story about 'Alyssa and Ben'?" She asks as we continue our walk on the beach.

"Of course, I still think about finding my Ben all the time." I say laughing, but mentally cursing myself because Jack enters my mind.

"Well, this is Ben. THE Ben, 'Alyssa's' Ben." I look at her confused, what the fuck is she even saying? She continues, "I was supposed to be Alyssa, and Ben, this very same guy, was the man from the story, and we were and are in love. We got married at the court house we didn't have a ceremony, and the reason I'm so well off is because he is a partner at Windows, he knows Bill Gates personally." She smirks and I look at her with my eyebrows raised.

There's nothing more in the world that I want than to be mad at her. To curse her existence and push her out of my life like she did to me, but I am not her.

I pull her into a warm hug and she hugs me back immediately. I smile into her shoulder and we stay like that for a while. "We should get back, Walter is making Shrimp Po Boy tonight." my mom wiggles her eyebrows up and down and we laugh as we walk back to her house together, as Brooklyn and Janessa, mother-daughter dream team.



Awwww. Lol so I hope you're loving it.

Leave suggestions here and yeah


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