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"You thought one kiss was going to fix this you asshole?" Brooklyn's words rang through my ears as I tried to come up with a response.

"Brooklyn you don't understand." I try to console her, tears still spilling from her eyes.

"I don't understand? I DONT UNDERSTAND? YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE HAYES! I gave you chance after chance, after chance and you have done nothing but fuck me over. Go play with your Barbie doll I'm done." She turns around, trying to walk away, rain still drenching us both.

I grab her arm and she turns around, still crying as hard as before, "Brooklyn please. Please I need you. I never knew how much I needed you, how special you are to me, until you left and I had missed my last chance to talk to you. I thought you hated me, god damn it I know you hate me, but I fucking love you. I love your captivating blue eyes and your long brown hair and your soft skin and the way my body tingles when you're near me. You're not just some girl, no your a star. But a star doesn't seem to do you justice. You're like a shooting star, in the sense that you don't understand just how important you are to the people on earth, you think of yourself as an insignificant flash of light, while people see you as perfect, brilliant, a wish granter for even 2 seconds as they see you flash before their eyes and then you're gone, off to better things. But I don't want you to be my shooting star. I want you to be my girl. I want you to be the person I wake up with and the person I go to sleep next to, I want you to be the person I hold, the person I introduce to my family as mine, the person that has my heart. I need you, Brooklyn, I really need you." I'm practically begging by the end of my nonsensical slur of words, but Brooklyn looked like she understood.

So, standing there in the pouring rain, the water droplets cool against my heated, nervous skin, Brooklyn pulled me into her lips, absorbing the shock of the earthquake trembling inside of me. The feeling of both her hands on my cheeks was unfathomably better than what I had imagined, the way my hands instinctually snaked around her waist and laid right above her butt felt a thousand times more right than I could have explained, but nothing in that moment felt more perfect, righteous, and catastrophically life changing than the amount of passion and feelings that flood from her lips into mine.

Heat rose to my lips with every swift swipe of her cherry lips. Electricity dances on my finger tips as they touched the exposed skin right above her underwear's hem. My brain seethed in contentedness, soaking up every detail it could allow itself to absorb, I never wanted to leave this moment, I never wanted to leave Brooklyn, I want her forever and always, I want her to claim me and be proud when she tells people that I'm the person who has her heart and that she's sure I'll never give it back. I want her to trust me, tell me her deepest secrets, hold me to ridiculously high standards that actually mean nothing to her but she just likes to see if I can reach them, I want us to fall in love like normal people fall in love. I want to be her sense of normalcy.



I pull my raw swollen lips off of Hayes's, unraveling my hands from his soft brown hair. "I love you, Brooklyn Indigo Dayes." he whispers while looking down at me, straight into my eyes with his piercing blue ones that I've come way too attached to.

"I love you, too, Benjamin Hayes Grier." I say with a smirk, knowing he hates his real name, and go on my tippy toes to plant a soft sweet kiss on his lips.

"Let's go get my car so we can get out of this rain." Hayes suggests, and I finally notice that I'm soaking wet and extremely uncomfortable. I nod and before I can start walking Hayes scoops me off my feet, one hand on either one of my thighs, forcing me to wrap my legs around his torso. I throw my head back in laughter as he starts running towards Angela's house, my body completely blocking his view of where we are running.

I'm hoisted up so far around his torso that my head is above his, and I'm looking down at his beautiful face and he smiles uncontrollably while running.

In that moment, nothing could have made me happier. I had come so far, Hayes and I had come so far. We literally hated each other 9 months ago, and now I'm looking at him, craving his lips on mine, and never wanting to let him go.

"Hayes?" I say and he sets me down against his car, breathing heavily.

"Yes, B?" He says, one hand on either side of my head, his body only inches away from mine.

"Never let me go." I whisper, holding his gaze, our blue eyes clashing against each other, everything he wanted to say sitting right in his eyes and everything I wanted to hear swirling around with it, in a perfect crystal blue pool that his irises are.

"I could have never imagined having the chance for you to be mine, if I ever let you go I would be the stupidest guy in the whole world. You're everything I could ever want, everything I need. I love you so much, I will never let you go as long as you promise to hold on to me and every true word I tell you." he says, inching closer to my face with every word.

I nod slightly, then absorb his soft pink lips with mine.


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