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I'm in the front seat driving while Brooklyn and Angela are in the back seat chatting about something. I couldn't stop staring at Brooklyn, she looked so hot with those piercings...

Snap out of it Hayes. There's no way she likes you, especially not after what you did in 4th grade and then at the party...

I sigh and park in front of her house. I get out and open the door for Brooklyn and Angela before getting some of the bags out of the trunk.

"Hayes, I'm just saying, your car sucks." Brooklyn says while joining me with grabbing some bags.

"Hey, I love Betsy." I say and pretend to be offended. (lol I actually really imagine Hayes naming a car Betsy.)

We head straight upstairs to Brooklyn's bedroom and Angela gets to work with teaching Brooklyn to do some sort of make up with the eye stuff.

I look around her room, it's really neat and almost looks like a hotel room, there's no customization.

I pull out my phone and go to Brooklyn's Instagram, @brooklyndayes and start stalking her. She only has 8k followers, but that's understandable since the last time she posted was 28 weeks ago.

After a little while of stalking her Ang speaks, "Hayes, what do you think of this makeup?" I lift my head and look at Brooklyn, she looks perfect. Her eyeshadow make her hazel eyes pop so well, and her face isn't all caked with makeup, her lips are the perfect color she just looks so beautiful.

"I-I like it, it looks good." I stumble over my words and I feel my cheeks heating up. Brooklyn's eyebrows come together in confusion and Ang is smirking at me with her arms crossed.

"Okay, time for hair now Bee." Angela says and pulls out a straightener, "you're going to have to take out that pony tail." Brooklyn chuckles a little and smoothly slides her hair tie off of her hair. after shaking her hair out a little, I am dumbfound.

She looks like a model. Her hair is so long and even though it's not done and it's creased a little by her hair tie it's still perfect.

"Hayes close your mouth." Ang says smirking and then starts straightening Brooklyn's hair.

After around 30 minutes, Brooklyn's hair is styled, straightened and perfect.

"Okay Bee, now let's put you in some new clothes." Ang says and pulls out some clothes from the pile on Brooklyn's bed. She hands a wad to Brooklyn and shoves her in the closet.

"Okay Hayes," Ang whispers when Brooklyn gets into the closet, "spill."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie! You like her!"

"No, we have an agreement. No strings attached." I say and the conversation ends, Ang crossing her arms and glares at me.

Brooklyn comes out of the closet and I have to use my hand to cover my mouth. She's wearing a button up baseball style shirt with black stripes and black short sleeves (Andrea Russett often wears a shirt like this.) with a pair of black leggings. The shirt is unbuttoned to right below her boobs and she's wearing one of those bralettes with the two strings on top of their boobs that girls wear all the time. (I'll put a picture because idk how to describe it)

"Brooklyn-Brook-Bookie-b-b.." I literally can't speak! Hayes get it together!

Brooklyn is holding her arms around her body and looking around the room uncomfortably. I walk up to her and take her arms away from covering herself. We are extremely close and she's looking into my eyes with her hazel ones. "Don't cover yourself." I whisper and let go of her arms and back up a little bit, fearing that if I stay that close to her I'll want to kiss h- NO! I don't like Brooklyn. I can't.




He is just being so sweet. And honestly I feel so cute right now. I want to go out and show myself off.

"Hey Bookie?" Hayes says from my desk where he was sitting.

"Yes, Haystack?" I say and he glares at me, I think I just found his nickname.

"Want to go out? I mean um of course it would uh be like part of the uh agreement or whatever, it's not like I uh want to just um go out with you." Hayes rambles and scratches the back of his neck.

"I was just thinking I wanted to go out." I say and stand up, I grab Hayes's hand and pull him out of the room along with Ang.

"Can you drop me back at your place Hayes I have to go to a photoshoot." Ang says and Hayes nods, taking a turn down his street instead of going towards town where he was taking to eat.

We drop Ang off and then head towards town. "What the heck it's already 7." I say looking at the clock on the dashboard.

"Yeah, after dinner I'll drop you off." Hayes says and pulls into the in-and-out parking lot, "can never go wrong with in-and-out." Hayes says smirking and pulling the key from the ignition.

We walk out of the car and I instantly recognize some of Hayes's friends inside. "Perfect." he says, "there's Tez, Spencer, Alex, and Sam, now they'll see us together and people will start talking, well if they even recognize you." Hayes and I chuckle and he puts his arms around my waist while we walk in. I can't help but smile when I feel his embrace around me, but I'm not falling for him.

"What are ya doing?" I ask Hayes.

"Playing the part." he says and we walk up to the counter. After we order and Hayes pays for the meals I hear whispering from behind us at the booth his friends are sitting at.

"Yo, Hayes." Tez calls and Hayes turns to them.

"Yo, guys!" He says and does that strange head nod that makes his neck look like it's broken, "you know Brooklyn?" He says and I wave to them as normally as possible.

"Wait," Sam says standing up and walking over to us, "you're Brooklyn? Brooklyn Dayes? Like from Davidson Day?" He asks in disbelief.

"In the flesh." I say and smile a cheeky smile.

"You look different outside of school." he says and I blush.

"Alright dude now beat it we're on a date." Hayes says with a hint of jealousy and grabs our food.

"A date? Oh uh okay." Sam says and walks away.

"Wow Hayes you're a really good actor, it almost seemed like you were actually jealous of me talking with Sam!" I laugh as we buckle ourselves into the car.

"Oh what? Oh yeah i guess I pick up good acting from Nash..." He mumbles and pulls out of the parking lot.

I'm eating while we're driving and I can hear Hayes's stomach growling, so I take out his food and start feeding him. He smiles and gladly accepts the food from my hands. We are almost at my house and Hayes bites my finger on purpose. "Ow you buttball why would you do that?" I scream and hit him in the head.

He fake pouts as we pull up to my house, "I'll see you tomorrow, Haystack." I say and get out of the car.

"Don't forget my homework, Bookie!" He yells back and I flip him off as I walk inside.

"I'm home!" I yell and hear a stampede coming towards the entrance. Taylor and the Jacks all stop in their tracks when they see me.

"Oh my god, Little B!" Johnson yells and looks me up and down.

"Brooke you look amazing!" Taylor says and walks towards me, spinning me around.

"I'm really excited for this weekend." Gilinsky says and winks, I blush and walk up to my room.

I fall down on my bed and soak in my happiness from today before starting the homework.


Kinda forgot to mention that they had the day off because it's supposed to be a Tuesday and yeah😂❤️

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