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I wake up to a text from Hayes saying that he'll pick me up for school today.

Ugh no what do I wear! That's the problem with all these choices. I pick some extremely ripped jeans, a white lace bralette and a baggy grey shirt that stopped at my belly button. I pull out my make up and start doing the make up that Ang taught be how to do. Start with some powder foundation, contouring, natural browns, tans, and whites for eye shadow, eyeliner on top and bottom line, mascara, and top it off with a deep red lip stick. I smile when I'm satisfied and then move to my hair. I straighten it and pin half of it back with a white bow to match my bralette. To finish it all off I throw on some white converse and I walk out of my room.

"Okay who are you and what have you done with my Button?" My dad says when he sees me, using my childhood nickname.

"Still the same me, just a little more fashionable." I say before I kiss his cheek and walk downstairs.

Hayes texts me to say he's outside and I walk out and see Hayes in the back and Nash in the front seat, Nash's eyes bug out of his head when I open the door and I blush slightly before walking towards the car.



I think I shit myself when I saw her.

She looks so gorgeous with her hair down and all that makeup on and in those clothes, but she isn't her, she isn't the Brooklyn that I know.

Hayes steps out of the car and opens the door for her, "good morning, gorgeous." Hayes says and Brooklyn gives him the dirtiest look.

"Like I've said Hayes, just an agreement. No need to lie to me." She slumps into her seat and gets some papers out of her bag and hands them to Hayes, "here's last nights homework." she says and he nods, shoving the papers into his cluttered back pack.

I pull into my parking space in the lot of the school and turn off the car. I get out and open Brooklyn's door, she thanks me and then Hayes grabs her hand and pulls her off somewhere.

I sigh and walk to the front lawn of the school where I wait under a tree for the rest of my friends to arrive.

I soon see Taylor, Kade, and Cody walking up laughing about something. "Dude what happened to Brooklyn?" I ask Taylor when he gets closer.

"I have no idea. She looks like a girl now, and honestly, since she's my step sister I can say this, she looks hot dude." Taylor says and shrugs. We all give him these horrified expression and he doesn't seem to notice.

After a few more minutes of talking and joking we decide to start heading to class and I see Brooklyn and Hayes standing with a large group of his friends, Hayes is standing dangerously close to her.

She looks at me and gives me her shy smile that I love, but quickly it turns into this fake smirk that Hayes obviously told her to do so she can try and look sexy in front of his friends.

I don't know what's going on with them, but I want to stop it.




Today is the day that Hayes is going to ask me out. It's going to be over dramatic and way too extravagant, but I don't really care because it's fake anyway.

All week Hayes has been asking me to hang out with him outside of school, I keep on coming up with reasons why I can't like that I have two much homework or it's a school night, but I can't avoid him today, so I either have to tell him flat out that I despise his existence still, or I have to just go along with whatever he wants to do.

The final bell rings and I reluctantly get out of my seat and start walking towards Hayes's locker.

When I get there he's standing there in navy blue basketball shorts and a blue and grey striped tank top, holding a rose. I smirk to myself when I see him, trying not to let a smile appear on my face when I look into his blue eyes, his familiar and beautiful sky blue eyes....

"Miss. Brooklyn Dayes." Hayes whispers since we are so close together.

"Yes?" I whisper back and the smile I was trying to suppress plays upon my lips.

"Would you do me the immense pleasure of being my girlfriend?" He asks and hands me the rose.

"But of course Mr. Grier." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. He places his large hands on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him and holding me tightly. He slightly picks me up and then sets me back down again, "why were you hugging me so tight?" I say while chuckling.

He intertwines our fingers together and says in a quiet voice, "because I never wanted to let go." I look up at him and his cheeks are slightly pink. I smile and the tip of my nose starts to feel hot.

What is going on with me! Hayes Grier, the guy I despise is making me blush and holding hands with me. What has my life become.

"Earth to Bookie!" Hayes says and squeezes my hand.

"Oh yeah?" I say and shake myself out of my thoughts.

"I said I want to take you out to dinner tonight, after we hang out for a little while." He says innocently and starts rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Yeah that sounds good, want to come over to my place?" I ask as we approach my locker.

"Yeah sounds good, I was thinking we could go on the lake for a little while, take my boat out, chill, you know the deal." He says as I grab my books. I nod and close my locker, we walk hand in hand to my car that I drove to school today.

"Brooklyn, with all the thinking I've been doing about you recently, I've realized that I actually don't know that much stuff about you." Hayes says as he buckles himself in.

Hayes was thinking about me? "Okay well what do you want to know?" I say as I pull out of the lot.

"Everything." Hayes says and puts his hands behind his head.

"Okay, well I guess I'll start with my name, I'm Brooklyn Indigo Dayes, yes Indigo like the color, my favorite color is white, I make videos on vine sometimes, not as often as you or Nash or Taylor, before this whole agreement I hadn't had a friend since 4th grade, my mother and father divorced and my mother left me with my father when I was 7, I like to sing, but not many people have heard my voice, my birthday is December 7th, fall is my favorite season, one time when I was little I hit my head on the corner of a bookshelf and I had to get stitches so now I have a scar, and... that's about it." I finish telling him everything basic, not wanting to reveal anything to personal as we pull up to my house.

"I'm glad that I know all of those fun facts, but you didn't say anything about the only thing I really wanted to know," Hayes says and I give him a confused look. "What type of guy are you into?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"I like sweet guys, that would treat me well and that are a best friend and that like me for me and that genuinely know me and care about my well being and happiness." I say, mentally telling myself that Gilinsky has every single one of these qualities.

"I can do that." Hayes says as I get out of my car and shake my head and laugh at him.


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