Chapter 18

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2025- Wakanda (Approx. 3 months later)

"Is he here yet?" I questioned as I came running into the lab but Shuri shook her head.

"No not yet, but he should be landing any minute."

"Amazing." I said in excitement. I hadn't seen him in so long and I couldn't believe this day was finally here.

"So impatient" Nakia said as she also entered the room and I rolled my eyes.

"The man is one of my best friends, give me a break, it's been a really long time." I said, annoyed and Nakia shrugged.

"Well, your wish is about to come true." Nakia pointed to me as the door opened and I shot out of my seat.

"Bucky!" I yelped as I ran up to him and he engulfed me in his arms.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this." Bucky whispered as he lifted me off the ground.

"Believe it, I'm here man."

Bucky cheered in happiness and spun me around once before putting me down. I smiled at him as soon as he let go of me but still maintained contact by holding his arm.

"You're definitely a sight for sore eyes."

"Ditto White Wolf." I said sarcastically and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"I'm so glad they told you about that."

"What? I like it." I told him honestly.

"Yeah, yeah, so what's this I hear about Nat being back too?" Bucky questioned and I nodded.

"Long story short, when Steve returned the stone it brought Nat back, a soul for a soul." I explained.

"That's amazing, you must be excited to have your best friend back."

"Yeah, it really has been a dream." I got lost in thought for a moment but Bucky's voice brought me back.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Wanda, that shit is rough." Bucky apologized and it had been awhile since I thought of the Sokovian girl which I saw as an accomplishment. I was focusing on other, more important things like my recovery and Natasha.

"It is, what it is. Can't change it." I desperately wanted to change the subject.

"True and from what Shuri tells me, you and Nat have been closer than ever, is something expected to happen?" Bucky asked tentatively and I shrugged.

"Not sure, I don't have a clue right now so I guess no?"

"So, you wouldn't mind if I asked her out?" Bucky asked carefully like he was walking on eggshells. I wanted to hit him for just thinking about it but it wasn't up to me, it was up to Natasha so I shook my head.

"I mean, go for it. I don't know how keen she is to date but, I don't see the issue." I said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, thanks man. I'll catch you later." Bucky patted my shoulder and ran out of the lab to what I assume is to meet up with Natasha.

I felt a surge of anger run through my veins and I suddenly punched a hole through the wall. I ripped my hand out of the drywall and took a deep breath trying to calm myself. I closed my eyes and found my centre. When I opened them a group of lab technicians were staring at me.

"I uh, I'll fix that, just don't tell Shuri." I said, grateful that her and Nakia slipped out while Bucky and I were having our reunion. The technicians all nodded at me and I gave them a thumbs up.

I turned out the door of the lab and grumbled to myself. I shouldn't have said 'go for it' how stupid was I? I might be gay but I can tell Bucky is handsome, Natasha can see it too, oh god what have I done.

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