Chapter 29

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2025- The Raft, New York

"I don't know how I feel about leaving the twins with Erik for the weekend, last time we did that they were so high on sugar it took them 2 days to come down." Natasha said as we approached the entry to the prison and I laughed.

"Yeah but he's good with them and he's a piece of Wanda that they need. I trust him shockingly, he does well with Charles at the school and if Charles says he's good then I believe it. The sugar thing is something we can easily amend." I said and Natasha gave me a stern look.

"Whatever you say." the redhead sing-songed.

"Look at you being a worried mother. It's actually really cute." I said as I walked backwards so I could face her and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I love them like they're my own Julia. Of course I sound like a worried mother." Natasha said as she placed her weapon into a security bin along with her belongings and I followed suit.

"They are your kids, Nat. I don't want you thinking otherwise, okay?" Natasha smiled widely at me and nodded.

"Okay, okay. So let me worry then."

"Fine." I said as I followed through the metal detector and it went off. I groaned a little because I knew that wasn't something I could control.

"Are all belongings in the bin?" the security guard questioned me and I nodded.

"Yes, I can show you what's setting it off if you like?" the security guard gave me a confused look and I rolled my eyes as I lifted my fist up and extracted my claws. The second I did, the guard freaked out and drew his weapon at me.

"Drop the knives!" the guard said and I looked at Natasha like this guy was an idiot.

"I can't." I growled a little.

"Is this guy serious? Do you not know who I am?" I said as well and I watched the guard cock his gun.

"Drop them!" the guard demanded again.

"Hey, stand down! She's the goddamn Wolverine. She can't drop the knives, idiot." finally the warden came out and I was relieved I didn't have to knock this stupid fuck on his ass.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, you just look different in civilian clothes." the guard tried to explain himself.

"Sorry about that Mrs. Howlett, right this way." the warden guided both Natasha and I into the maximum security sector and that was saying a lot for a maximum security prison, it was like double the security. Of course Wanda would be in here.

"Maximoff has been allotted 1 visitor a month, judging from this point forward if she exhibits good behaviour that number could increase. For now it's just you though Howlett." I nodded in understanding.

"May I ask what the relation is that she decided to pick you as her visitor?" the warden asked and I laughed.

"She's the birth mother of our twins." the warden's eyes widened but nodded nonetheless. Probably because that's not the weirdest thing he's ever heard.

"Alright, you know the rules, she'll be behind a bulletproof plexiglass and you'll only get about 20 minutes. Sound good?" I nodded.

"I'll see you in a minute." I kissed Natasha quickly and the warden scanned his I.D to allow me in.

I took a deep breath as I stepped into the secluded room and I was suddenly nervous. It had been 8 months since I had actually seen Wanda and I didn't know what to expect but when she came into my sight line she still looked like the woman I had met for the first time nearly 10 years ago. I knew she wasn't the same woman but the fact that she still looked it, made my heart do a weird flip but I ignored it, chalking it up to some of those old feelings resurfacing which I knew I'd have to address.

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