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0.11 private party

After turning down her friends many—many attempts to get her to attend the dance with them, Zoey ended up in the old biology lab, taking a much needed break from cleaning up the dust and disposing a few things that she didn't have any need for.

With soft music playing in the background, to tune out the low thumping coming from the party, the teenager blinked slowly as she glanced around, looking at the things she still had to do. She knew that this place need work, but she didn't anticipate this much work.

After yesterday's challenge—after the disastrous event that they called a fashion show ended, Zoey quickly caught up with Louis and talked to him about the old biology lab that nobody uses anymore. The room was just there collecting dust.

So, after a ten minute argument that she came up with on the fly, the teenager managed to talk him into letting her turn the biology lab into her own personal room. Like how Leo basically had his own music room, this room was going to be for Zoey for when she needed to escape everyone, or when she want to do her art.

As she continued to scan the areas of the room she still had to clean up, a frown appeared on the seventeen-year-old face as her eyebrows furrowed together—as if she was about to cry out in frustration. So far, she has made little progress on cleaning up this room.

Huffing lowly to herself as she closed her eyes for a brief second, Zoey tossed her head back for a second, blowing air out through her nose. She was milliseconds away from quitting and heading back to her clubhouse.

With her eyebrows furrowing together at the sound of someone knocking, the seventeen-year-old turned her head to look at the door, debating whether or not she should open the door.

"I know you're in there Amailya."

Rolling her eyes at the sound of her middle name being said, Zoey slowly pushed herself up from her chair and headed towards the door—dragging her feet. "I should keep your ass out there for calling me by my middle name." She said, as she pulled out the door. "Shouldn't you be at the party?"

"I needed to get away." Daniel uttered as he pushed his crutches forward, forcing the seventeen-year-old to sidestep to let him in.

With her eyebrows furrowed together as she watched Daniel walk pass her, Zoey kept her hand on the door handle for a second before releasing it—allowing the door to close shut. "What is wrong with you?"

"Why didn't my louie work?" The former captain questioned, purposely ignoring her question as he lowered himself onto the chair that was previously occupied by Zoey. With him glancing around the room, noticing how clean it look, he slowly nodded his head. "You're cleaning up? It looks better."

"Yeah," she mumbled, softly nodding her head as she glanced around her art/chill room. "Once you get out of that damn boot, you can help me fix it up."

"Just telling me what imma do, not even gon ask?" Daniel asked jokingly.

Waving him off. "You was gon' help anyways. Don't even know why you acting like you're not."

"But seriously, what's going on with you dude? You good?" Zoey questioned as she walked across the room, with Daniel's eyes on her.


Glancing over her shoulder to look at her friend, her eyebrows furrowed together for a brief second before she turned back around, and focused her attention on the filers cabinet. "Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to guess?"

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