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0.25 mothers

Nearly thirty minutes has passed since Hayley left to talk to Leo. Thirty whole minutes. And, like everyone else in the room, Zoey sat there waiting for the brown-haired girl to return.

Despite how much she currently disliked the girl, Zoey knew that Hayley needed to be here in order for them to come up with a plan. They needed to map out everything before they make their first move.

With her back, now, leaning against the arm rest of the couch—with her partially hanging off of Daniel's lap, Zoey had her legs bent over his legs.

As her fingertips lightly grazed the back of his neck, trying to calm him down—knowing that he was still upset over Hayley going to met up with Leo, Zoey stared at his side-profile for a lengthy moment before her eyes drifted down towards their intertwined hands.

"I have to tell you something." Drawing her focus back towards his face, Zoey blinked softly as she waited to hear what Daniel had to tell her. With a low huff escaping his lips, Daniel glanced back down at their hands. "Everyone back at the clubhouse knows about us."

With her eyebrows dropping, a crease immediately formed in the middle of her brows as she looked at Daniel confused. "What? How?"

"Parker...." sighing to himself, lowly, Daniel shook his head. "be brought you up yesterday."

Daniel wasn't planning on telling Parker, or anyone for that matter, about them—since the two weren't together, yet. But last night, Parker had brought up Zoey. And despite the many, many attempts to get Parker to change the topic, he simply wouldn't budge.

Parker kept repeating how sorry he was, and made sure to uttered those three loving words—while in the same breath, blamed Daniel for Zoey breaking up with him.

Daniel might had suggested for Parker to switch out her louie with a prop, but he never actually made Parker do anything. Parker was his own person. He made the decision to act out on that stupid plan that the former captain had came up with.

But, when Daniel brought up Sophie, and how he had confessed to having feelings for her—Parker only words were she wasn't Zoey.

"He was talking about how he was sorry, and how he wanted to get back with you—but," with Daniel shrugging his shoulders lightly, while Zoey rolled her eyes at his words, his gaze never once left hers. "I just told him he blew it with you."

"Okay, but how did him and everyone find out about us?" She questioned, while motioning between them.

Reaching up to rub the back of his neck, sheepishly, Daniel briefly broke eye contact with Zoey as he answered her. "I, kinda, blurted it out."

Amused. "Seriously?" Zoey questioned.

"I just told him that we were together, and," Daniel told her as he shrugged his shoulders lightly. "that I wasn't planning on letting you go—not like he did."

"And how did the rest of the Eagles react?" She then questioned, wanting to know how everyone else reacted to the news.

Shrugging his shoulders once more, letting him know that he didn't care how they reacted to the news, Daniel tilted his head back against the cushion—staring at Zoey. "They can react however they want to, they are not about to stop me from being with you, Zoey."

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