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0.26 who put you in charge

After everyone calmed down, they all found themselves surrounding the metal table, waiting to hear if Alex got in touch with his father.

With an low sigh escaping his lips, after trying to reach his father for the fourth time in the last few minutes, Alex frustratedly removed his curled up louie from around his ear—before he turned around to look at his older sister. "Why is he never available when we need him?"

"unbelievable." Was all Hayley could muttered out as her eyes fluttered closed for a second.

Rolling her eyes at the two siblings, Zoey chose to turn her head away from the two—to keep her from saying anything. At least they still had their father around, her father was buried six feet under.

"Go easy on him." Brook spoke up, speaking to the two siblings, who were growing frustrated with their father. "Ma—maybe he's out on a mission."

"Zo?" Alexandra called after her best friend, pulling not only her attention, but the attention of everyone else around them. "Did you get in touch with your grandparents?"

Nodding her head. "Yeah, they should be on their way here in the next hour and half."

That phone call to her grandparents was probably one of the most difficult phone calls she ever had to make. You would think that this news would make her happy—and don't get her wrong she was happy, but there was a small part of her that didn't believe it.

She spent the last year, grieving her mother—getting use to her mother not being there. And now, she was alive?

That was why Zoey didn't tell her grandparents that there was a possibility of her mother still being alive. Zoey didn't want to get her grandparents and her Noah hopes up, if it turns out her mother was really dead.

She couldn't do that to them, even if there was a part of her that believed Leo.

"What did you tell them?" Max questioned, genuinely curious as to how she convinced her only remaining relatives to make the trip to the Academy.

"That I needed them here." Zoey told the boy. "That I was having an hard time with accepting the fact that my mother is gone."

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Hayley questioned. If she could get ahold of her father, the first words out of her mouth would be that mom was alive. "That would've been the first thing out of my mouth."

"I'm not you Hayley." Zoey immediately said as she cut her eye at her former friend. "I don't want my grandparents and my baby brother to go through that heartache again if it's not true. Okay?"

"You don't believe me, Zoey?" Leo asked, somewhat hurt that Zoey didn't take him for his word.

"Leo, you have to understand that I spent the last year, grieving my mother." Zoey told her friend. "Yes, there is a part of me that wants to believe it, but I can't until I—personally laid eyes on her."

"Look, I think that you three," with Brooke gaze drifting over to her rival. "should be happy that your mom's alive."

"I'll be happy when I see her." Alex told his girlfriend, not knowing how to act. "I don't know how I'll get through this day."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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