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0.13 back to normal?

"Stop cheating." Zoey mumbled as her eyebrows came together in concentration. With her taking her bottom lip in between her teeth, while lightly raising her elbow to gain some type of advantage over Alexandra, the seventeen-year-old right thumb came crashing down over her best friends—holding it down and refusing to let up. "Ha ha."

"And you said I was cheating." Alexandra said rolling her eyes, while pulling her thumb from underneath Zoey's before untimely pulling her entire hand away.

"Don't get mad that I used your own tactics against you." Zoey replied as she dropped her hands in her lap. With Alexandra rolling her eyes once again, while lightly shoving her friend away from her, Zoey could only smile as her attention was pulled in the direction of the staircase to the right of her.

As Daniel's voice entered her ears, causing her smile to stretch out a little bit more, it soon dropped at the sight of him. Under his arm and smile wide was Brooke.

"I did not seeing them getting back together." Alexandra told her best friend as she shook her head at the sight of the Eagles 'it' couple.

"Same." The teenager mumbled as a frown tugged at the corner of her lips.

Briefly shaking her head, as she tried to get rid of that weird in her chest, her eyes briefly went back towards Daniel before focusing her attention on the ground—staring at nothing.


"Hello? We're only a point and a half ahead of the Eagles?" Closing her eyes at the sound of Aspen's annoying voice, Zoey then hung her head low as she immediately grew annoyed with the girl. "What is this? We must do something about this."

"I know what you can do to help us." Zoey spoke up after a moment. Raising her head, and turning around to look at Aspen, she simply arched her eyebrow—waiting for Aspen to asked her what that was.

"And what is that?" Aspen asked as eyebrows came together for a moment.

"Shutting the hell up." The school residential artist uttered as she turned back around, facing forward as the sound of her clubhouse mates laughing lowly at her. "Talk to damn much."


"Uh, Leo." Mocking her friend's voice, Zoey glanced to her right after Alexandra nudged her arm—getting her to stop as Louis entered the lobby.

"As you know, we don't usually accept students in the middle of the year—"

"Is it too late to deny her acceptance?" Zoey asked, briefly interrupting her headmaster. As some members of her clubhouse and members of the eagles laughing at her, Zoey could only glance around before uttering, "I'm deadass."

"Zoey, be nice." Louis told her as he sent Zoey a look, that had her slightly rolling her eyes at him. "Now—Aspen was originally accepted into the Greenhouse last year, so welcome."

"Thank you." Aspen uttered, smiling at their headmaster.

"So, I know we've all had a rough time recently. I think it's time we get back to our normal Greenhouse routine. We've decided to have a pop quiz to see how much you've all really learned so far this year."

"Yay." Alexandra mumbled sarcastically.

"But there's a twist." Louis told the two clubhouses. "Each student will be asked one question. The goal is to put together a streak of correct answers, and the team with the longest streak wins the challenge."

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