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0.1 welcoming ceremony and secrets

"As much as I love being in your arms—I need to get going." The seventeen-year-old mumbled as she pulled away from her boyfriend chest, causing his arms to loosen up around her shoulders.

"Right now?" He questioned, frowning as he looks at her. With the hopeful new students taking the entry test, he thought that they had at least an extra twenty minutes together.

Zoey could only nod her head as she reached up to place a hand on the side of his face, lightly rubbing her thumb against his bottom lip to get rid of her lip gloss. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah." He mumbled, pouting once Zoey dropped her hand from his face. As he watched her fix her clothes—trying her best to get rid of the wrinkles in her skirt and blouse, the basketball player then reached forward to grab her hand, stopping and gaining her attention. "Why are we keeping this, us, a secret? I get tired of see you in this dusty ass room for only a few minutes."

"It was your idea Parker." Zoey told him as she glanced around the dusty, yet old biology room—that was now a storage room, which no one really step foot in anymore. "You didn't want anyone finding out that you are dating a raven."

Rolling her eyes as she removed Parker's hand from hers, Zoey went back to tucking her shirt back inside her skirt before turning around to walk about of the room. At first, Zoey was okay with dating in secret because being in a relationship was still new for the both of them, and also because they didn't want everyone in their business—wanting their relationship to be about them and only them.

But now four months into their relationship, the seventeen-year-old felt like Parker was going out of his way just to make it seem like he was completely single. Doing certain things that makes Zoey think that Parker doesn't want to be in a relationship with her—acting like it was a deadly sin for aEagles member and Ravens member to date one another.

"Wait—Zoey." Parker called after his girlfriend as he quickly reached forward to grab her hand once again, stopping her from leaving.

"It's been four months since we've started dating, and I'm okay with us been a secret—but Parker, you are acting like you're completely single out here." Zoey told him as she looked at Parker with a slightly frown appearing on her face. "Do you still have feelings for Sophie Parker?"

"How did we get on Sophie?"

"Because every time you get around her, you want to act single and be up on her whenever I'm around. Following her around like a lost damn puppy, kissing her cheek—and you always have your damn arm around her Parker." The seventeen-year-old told her boyfriend as she folded her arms over her chest, shifting her weight onto her left leg.

Before the two even got together, Zoey had suspected that Parker had a crush on Sophie just by the way he acted whenever he was around her. But when Zoey asked him about it—it admitted that he did have a crush on Sophie at one point of time, but that all changed when he started to like Zoey. Did she believe him when they started dating? Yes. Do she believe him now? Not so much.

"Baby, come on now." Parker spoke up, shaking his head as he chuckled lowly at his girlfriend. Not liking how he was laughing at her, Zoey face scrunched up slightly as she moved her head back just a little—her eyes still locked on Parker. With the basketball player wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, pulling her towards his chest, Parker planted a kiss to her temple.

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