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0.18 rivals to lovers?

After her conversation with her best friend, Zoey left Alexandra so that she could go help out Max and Jackie—resulting in Zoey to walk back to her art room with racing thoughts. With all of her thoughts being about Daniel.

It was insane how he invaded her thoughts all of a sudden.

As she used her louie to unlock her art room door, she pushed the door open and shook her head as she drew her eyebrows together in thought. He couldn't possibly feel the same way, could he?


Looking up and seeing Daniel already inside, looking at her, Zoey sent him a small smile as she entered the room, closing the door behind her. "Hey,"

"so, this is the infamous Oreo?" She questioned as she headed towards the table Daniel was at, and picked up the stuffed animal.

"Yeah," Daniel answered as he peeked up at Zoey to see her turning the panda sideways before tossing the stuffed animal back on the table. "Alexandra on board?"

"Yeah, she's with Max and Jackie right now." Zoey told him as she climbed on top of the table—before peeking back at him. "Probably bossing them around right now."

With Daniel smiling as Zoey glanced away from him, now focusing on the white board, the basketball player glanced down at the papers in his hand for a second before looking back up to eye his friend. "How are you feeling? About this whole thing?"

"I," huffing lowly to herself, Zoey shrugged her shoulders. "I'm trying not to think about my feelings."

"How are you? I know this is probably tough for you." Zoey said as she briefly peeked over her shoulder once more to look at him.

"Uhm, same, just trying not think about it." Daniel mumbled as she leaned forward, and rested his forearms on the table—moving closer to Zoey. "Hey, erm—what,"

With his eyebrows drawn together. "what do you think will happened once we wake up Brooke?"

"Well," turning her body to face Daniel, Zoey looked down at him with eyebrows furrowed together. "what do you want to happen?"

"I honestly don't know." He answered, while shrugging his shoulders. "I know I want her happy, regardless of who she's with."

"So, you're okay with her going back to Alex?"

"We broke up and she chose him." Daniel told her as he shrugged his shoulders once more. "And—if I'm being honest, I kind of have feeling for someone else."

Well fuck. As Zoey sent him a small, forced smile, she briefly looked away from him to look down at the table. "T-that's good. Do I know this person?"

"Yeah," Daniel answered, while nodding his head at Zoey as she meet his gaze. With a smile stretching across his face, his tongue quickly shot out to wet his lips—before he opened his mouth to speak to Zoey."you know her real good. Short. Has curly hair. Bossy as hell—"

With Zoey rolling her eyes, Daniel couldn't help but laugh. "You rolling your eyes like it's not true. You bossy as hell."

"I am not bossy." She mumbled as she looked away from Daniel—as her heart rate accelerated. "And I am not short."

"Please, you barley reach my shoulders." He told Zoey, still waiting to hear what she thought about him having feeling for her, or if she felt the same.

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