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0.16 moving on

After letting Daniel know that she would come up with a plan, they trio quickly made their way to the exam room—and quietly made their way inside without making too much noise. With Daniel quietly making his way over towards the Eagles side, both Hayley and Zoey found an empty seat in the back on the Ravens side as Michelle Wallace continued to speak.

"During the next hour, you will experience a one-on-one interview with me. This will not be a softball interview."

"Where have you been?" Alexandra whispered, as she turned around in her seat to look at her best friend, questioning her whereabouts.

"Sorry." Zoey whispered back as she leaned towards Alexandra. As she lightly motioned to the left of her, she opened her mouth to answered her friend. "Hayley and I were talking. Y'know, trying to work through our problems."

Which wasn't a complete and total lie.

"Seriously?" Alexandra questioned, kind of finding it hard to believe that Zoey and Hayley had made up. With Zoey nodding her head yes, Alexandra's eyes soon drifted over towards Hayley—who sent her a small smile. "Okay....?"

As she turned back around in her seat, and with Hayley and Zoey sharing a brief look, the duo focused their attention back on Michelle Wallace as she walked down the aisle.

"This is your chance to practice answering my questions without falling into traps, losing your cool, and most importantly, without being boring." Michelle told the group as Parker's hand went up, along with Zoey's.

"Uhm," Michelle hummed as she made her way back on stage before turning around to face the students. "before we start, I just want to thank Sophie Cardinal for helping me out with the background checks. Thank you Sophie."

"Why are you filming this?" Parker questioned as his hand dropped. With Zoey's hand dropping as well, she glanced over at Parker before her eyes landed back on Michelle.

"You're Parker, right?" Michelle questioned, as if she didn't know who he was already. "It's all part of the workshop. It's all about getting used to being on camera."

"It's not a problem, right?" The reporter asked Louis, who simply nodded his head, telling her that it was fine.

"Are we required to do this?" Zoey then questioned, as everyone eyes went to her.


"I'm not talking to you." The seventeen-year-old said, cutting the reporter off as her eyes landed on her headmaster, who was shaking his head. "Are we?"

"This is a workshop, Zoey." Louis told her as a low sigh slipped through his lips, already knowing that Zoey was going to make it hard for Michelle.

"Well, she doesn't have my consent to record me." Zoey then said as her eyes landed on Michelle. "I don't care what Louis said, record me if you want, I would hate to sue the hell out of you again."

"And that's fine." Michelle told her as a smile stretched out on her lips. "Why don't you join me as my first interviewee?"


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