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0.19 she's back....yay

"She's such a bitch!"

Slamming the door to her art room shut, a loud frustrated yelled escaped her lips a second later as she ignored the sound of glass shattering behind her. With hot tears cascading down her face as she started to pace in front of a frozen Brooke, the image of Hayley and Daniel played over in her head—forcing Zoey to harshly wipe her tears away.

"I'm a fucking idiot." She told herself as she paused in her tracks. Sniffling softly, the teenager reached up to wipe her wet cheeks once again as her tears continued to fall. "Look at me, crying over a guy, again."

"Pathetic." Zoey mumbled as dropped her head into her hands, and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to stop her tears from falling.

With her eyes snapping open, and raising her head at the sound of the door opening, Zoey meet the concern gaze of both Hayley and Daniel. "Zoey, what happened?" Hayley immediately questioned as she glanced down at the glass that was littered in front of the door.

As Daniel briefly glanced down at the glass in front of him, he hopped over it before approaching the school's residential artist. "You okay?" He questioned as he noticed her red eyes, and wet cheeks. With Daniel reaching for her subconsciously, he held her face and wiped her tears away. "Zo, did something happen?"

Forcing her tears back, Zoey eyes fluttered shut a second later as she took a step back from Daniel. Those same hands was just on Hayley waist. "Yeah." She answered softly.

"What?" Hayley questioned, forcing Zoey eyes to flutter back open. As her eyes drifted over towards her housemate, the artist noticed that Hayley was now standing inside of her art room, cleaning up the glass.

"Don't worry about it." Zoey replied as she took another step away from Daniel, sniffling. Ignoring the way Daniel's eyes was fixated on her, the teenager reached up to wipe her tear-stained cheeks—before motioning towards Brooke. "What did Louis say?"

"Nothing. We didn't tell him." Hayley answered as she dumped the glass inside of the trash before making her way over towards them. As she stood beside Brooke, Hayley shared a brief look with Daniel before her eyes landed on Zoey. "But we did receive a text from Marcus."

"We don't that it's Marcus. It could be from anyone." Daniel told Zoey, not believing that the text was actually from Marcus. It could be from anyone. What if they say this word, and it just make things with Brooke worst?

"Who else would it be from?" Hayley questioned as her eyes darted back over towards Daniel. "The word you're looking for—who else besides Marcus could have sent this?"

"Just.....say the damn word, please." Zoey sighed. With her rubbing her forehead, feeling a headache coming on, she blinked softly over at Daniel as she watched him moved closer to his ex-girlfriend.

As Daniel balled his hands into a fist, he shared a brief look with both Hayley and Zoey before turning to face Brooke. With his eyes fluttering close for a second, gaining the courage to say the word—even though he was scared, his eyes fluttered right back open as he uttered out. "Eureka."

With the trio eyes fixated on Brooke, waiting to see if she would wake up, her eyes snapped open a moment later—causing Zoey to jump back slightly. As Brooke sat there, staring ahead, she blinked softly as she took in her surroundings.

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