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0.4 seeing purple and yellow

"Captain! Captain!"

"Can you please shut the fuck up!" Zoey yelled as she raised her head slightly, eyes still closed as she flipped back down on her bed—rolling onto her stomach as she pulled the covers over her head. "Over there yelling like people ain't sleeping."

"Zoey—get up." Hayley told the girl, as she sat up in the bed next to her. "Zoey..."

"Girl, shut the fuck up. Damn." Zoey told Hayley, irritated that they were ruining her sleep. Closing her eyes as everyone else piled out of the room, Zoey laid there trying to fall right back into a deep sleep.

Releasing a loud, muffed groaned from her lips after a minute, Zoey rolled onto her back, angrily throwing the covers off of her. "I hate it here, I really do." She mumbled as she ran her hands down her face, irritated.

Pushing herself up into a sitting position, Zoey planted her sock covered feet on the wooden floor—before stretching. Staring at nothing in particular as she sat there in her bed for a moment, she closed her eyes for a second before standing up and walking out of the female dormitory. Heading towards the common room as she rubbed her eyes, "I swear, if you woke up out of my sleep for some bullshit, I'm beat someone's—"

Removing her hand from her face, Zoey blinked slowly as she took in the trash common room. Seeing as everyone was mad, Zoey stood there slightly amused by the whole thing.

Silly string was literally everywhere. All over the floors, the walls, furniture, everywhere. Purple and yellow paint was everywhere to symbolize the Eagles. It was all over the walls, and they even had Eagle banners hanging on the wall. The furniture was even tossed carelessly on the ground, and throw all over the room. Their books and few robot pieces, that a few Ravens worked hard to build, was scattered on the ground.

"Damnnn." Zoey dragged out as she glanced around their trash common room before turning around, and jumping back slightly at the sight of her clubhouse captain. "Goddamn you scared the hell out of me."

With a hand over her heart as she tilted her head slightly at her friend. "What the fuck you got going on? You look like that damn turtle. Ugly ass fuck."

With his face scrunched up slightly, and with a few Ravens members laughing at their captain, Leo held the hand-held mirror up towards his face before letting out a small shriek. "Are you kidding me? What is this stuff?"

Ignoring Leo as he tried to get the purple paint off of his face, Zoey glanced around the trashed common room when her eyes landed on Headmaster Osmond as he entered the clubhouse. With him taking in the clubhouse, confused as why their clubhouse was trashed, he looked at the group with his eyebrows furrowed together. "What's going on here?"

And almost immediately, everybody in started to complain. With Zoey rolling her eyes as she dragged her sock-covered feet against the hardwood floor, she headed towards one of the chairs—that was laying on the ground and pick it up before taking a seat.

Crossing her legs, and leaning her elbow on the messy table, she eyed everyone as Louis held up his hand, silencing them. "Alright—alright. There's something more important, we're here for Jackie Sanders. Does anyone know where she is?"

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