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0.22 dinners & and hugs

An hour has passed since Daniel's and Zoey little moment got interrupted by Hayley, and after he left to get dress for this dinner, both Daniel and Brooke found themselves back inside of Zoey's art room—so that they all could go over the plan. With Jackie, Max, and Hayley sitting at the metal table, across from the ex-couple—Brooke and Daniel, both Alexandra and Zoey stood on opposite ends of the table.

"Make sure to say the 'we were meant to be' line in front of Judy." Hayley told Brooke—who in returned simply sent her a small head nod.

"Good point." Daniel uttered before his shoulders slumped over, and a sigh escaped his lips. "God, it's so weird."

"So, how exactly are you gonna get Emma's chess set from Jason?" Brooke asked, speaking up after her ex-boyfriend as her eyes bounced between the five Ravens members surrounding her and Daniel.

"While you're at dinner, I'll call Jason and tell him 'I think I found Emma's chess set in the Ravens clubhouse'. Make him think n that maybe he took the wrong one." Max told them, explaining to the two Eagles members the plan.

"Once Max calls him, Jason will have to leave dinner and go to his office to see if maybe someone had take Emma's chess set." Jackie then said—speaking up after Max as both Daniel and Brooke sent her a head nod, growing to understand this plan better.

"That's only part one." Alexandra uttered—pulling everyone's focus towards her. "Part two, is once Jason leaves, Brooke has to find a reason to leave the dinner too. Something that will always work—spill your drink on her Daniel, that will give you the excuse that you need."

"And all you have to do afterwards is follow your brother, and you'll find the chess set." Zoey spoke up right after her best friend, and momentarily gaining everyone's attention before Jackie pulled it away from her.

"Then we arrive to part three."

As Max reached inside of his front pocket of his navy dress shorts, he pulled out two white knight chess pieces. "These are two exact replicas of the white knights in Emma's chess board, you need to replace Emma's pieces with these."

"What do you guys say? Great plan or what?" Hayley questioned as a wide smile stretched out across her face—as her eyes bounced between the two Eagles members before her. 

"It's a decent plan." Zoey uttered as she folded her arms over her chest, and ignored how Hayley rolled her eyes at her.

"I don't know." Daniel said, shaking his head softly as he glanced between the group of people surrounding him. "Jason will be onto us."

"No, he won't." Brooke told him, shaking her head briefly as she looked at Daniel before her eyes darted over to Hayley. "I got this."

"I hope so." Alexandra mumbled as she mimicked her best friends and crossed her arms over her chest, and shifted all of her weight onto her right leg. 

With the room growing silent for a moment as everyone sat there still, Zoey just stood there, with her arms folded over her chest. "You," clearing her throat, she quickly motioned towards the former couple. "you guys should get going. You don't want to be late."

"Zoey's right." Hayley said—agreeing with her housemate. As Zoey resisted the urge to uttered something smart back at Hayley, the Greenhouse residential artist chose to ignore the girl as she focused on Daniel and Brooke.

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