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0.17 realization

With both Daniel and Zoey shuffling through the ripped out pages from the hypnosis book, Hayley opted on watching the two skim through the pages, while pacing in front of the table they sat at. Daniel, stopping for a moment as he pulled his gaze off of the page in his hand, he released a low sigh from his lips—briefly pulling Zoey's eyes off of her own page and towards him.

"What am I gonna tell Brooke when she wakes up?" He questioned the two Ravens member that he never thought he'll be friends with.

"Uhm," with her eyebrows furrowing together and turning her lips up, Zoey glanced over at Hayley before her eyes went back to Daniel. "how about you start with the truth."

As she pulled her gaze off of Daniel and back onto the ripped out page in her hand, she briefly allowed her eyes to skim over the page once more. "That's she not your girlfriend anymore."

"I hadn't thought about that." Daniel said as a low huff slipped through his lips—trying to think of the best way possible to announce to Brooke about their recent break up.

"Look," placing the page on the table, along with the rest of the ripped out pages, Zoey turned in her stool to face Daniel—pulling his gaze towards her. Searching his eyes, and subconsciously reaching forward to rest her hand on his knee, she briefly gave his knee a squeeze as she spoke up. "you're doing the right thing. It's best that you tell Brooke the truth, you don't want to be feeling guilty about being with her—when she's really with Alex."

Hayley—clearing her throat, eyes remained locked on the two in front of her as her eyes dropped down to Zoey's hand still resting on Daniel's leg. "Uhm, maybe we she start writing down the instructions."

"I'm not writing it, I read the damn pages." Zoey mumbled as she removed her hand from Daniel's leg, and turned back around in her stool—leaning forward to rest her elbow on the table.

With Hayley rolling her eyes at Zoey, she turned around to face the white board, while patting down her pockets for the marker Daniel have her.

At the table while Zoey eyes was the pages under her elbow, waiting for Hayley to announce she was ready for instructions, she felt holes burning in the side of her face, forcing her to look back up. Meeting his gaze, and seeing the small pull of the corner of his lips, Zoey arched her eyebrow softly as she felt the corner of her lips tug upward into a small smile.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Not expecting Daniel to actually take a picture of her, Zoey could only shook her head as she watched him pull out his louie—stretching it apart and taking a picture of her. "I wasn't actually serious."

"It better not be an ugly picture." Zoey then uttered as she reached over to place her hand on his forearm, trying to see the picture he took of her.

"I don't think it's possible for you to take an ugly picture." Daniel told her as he smile at Zoey as he showed her the photo.


With Hayley pulling both Daniel's and Zoey's attention towards her, breaking them out of their little moment, they watched as she moved towards them, searching the table for the marker she had lost. "I can't find the marker you gave me. I must have dropped it."

"Come on, seriously?" Zoey questioned as a crease formed in the middle of her eyebrows, scrunching her face up softly as she stared at her former friend as if she was dumb. "How the hell did you drop it, you didn't even help us search the damn room? You stood watch."

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