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0.20 saying dinner

Once Hayley left the room to 'confront' Marcus, Zoey decided that it was for the best if she gave the former couple space to talk. It wasn't because she felt like they needed the time alone to discuss everything that had happened—because they did, but she did it for herself. She needed space away from Daniel to think.

As she sat still on the ground, with her outstretched legs crossed at the ankles, her fingertips played with the hem of her shorts as a small frown pulled at the corner of her lips—as she reflected on the last hour and a half. A lot had happened in that time frame that had Zoey questioning everything.

It was that long ago when both Daniel and Zoey had confessed to liking one another. With her thinking that maybe their could be something there between them—once they fixed this should mess that they were involved in. But now, she didn't know if there was even a future with them now.

Not only was Brooke now awake and alert, but Zoey didn't know where Daniel head was at, at the moment. His head could possibly be turned back in the direction of his ex-girlfriend—if Brooke wanted him back, and Zoey couldn't compete with that. There was history there between Brooke and Daniel. History that Zoey didn't have.

If there was a chance—an opportunity for you to get back with someone that you've spent years with, that you cared for deeply, wouldn't you go back to them?

Or would you jump headfirst into a relationship with someone you just stopped hating a few months ago?

And even though the whole Brooke situation played a part in why she was suddenly questioning her feelings—Hayley and Daniel were the main reason. And as of twenty minutes ago, Zoey was back on the I hate Hayley train.

Hayley knew that there was something happening between Zoey and Daniel. She knew that and she still decided to kiss Daniel. And not only did Hayley kissed him, but Daniel allowed it to happen and kissed her back. Making no effort to put a stop to it.

With the mental image of Daniel and Hayley kissing fresh in her mind, Zoey eyes fluttered close as she tilted her head back against the wall. She felt herself becoming upset again.

Here she was, sitting on the ground outside of her art room, fighting to hold in her tears as she tried to calm herself down. She couldn't believe she was crying over another guy, again.

And they weren't even dating!

"Pathetic." Zoey mumbled to herself, blinking softly as she reached up to wipe her eyes. "Crying over a guy that's not yours."

As she dropped her hand in her lap, a loud sigh slipped through her lips as she tilted her head back, and stared at the wall across from her—as she allowed the silence surrounding her to consume her.

But that silence was short-lived as Hayley rounded the corner, heading in her direction with a look that had Zoey immediately rolling her eyes. With Hayley not saying anything and just stepping over Zoey's outstretched legs, and pull out her louie to open the closed door, Zoey couldn't help but sigh in response as she pushed herself off of the ground—and followed after her housemate. 

"He ran away." Hayley immediately told them once Zoey closed the door behind her. "You guys won't believe it."

"He emptied her office, wrote your dad a letter of resignation and left just like that." Hayley continued as she looked between Brooke and Daniel before turning her head around, looking for her friend—who had flopped down on the couch.

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