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0.3 stories and I love you's

As a few members of her clubhouse laughs echoed throughout her ears, and a few glares being throwing in her direction by her rival clubhouse, Zoey couldn't help but roll her eyes as she listened to Hayley finish telling the people surround them one of their childhood stories—that involved both the Woods siblings and the Patterson siblings. "Its crazy how you trying to put the blame on me, but go off sis."

"Because you are to blame Zo." Hayley uttered as a smile stretched across her face. With Zoey rolling her eyes at the nickname, she waved the girl off as Hayley looked around the table. "She practically gave Mr. Leon a heart-attack."

"Don't put that bullshit on me, I didn't do shit to his old ass." Zoey told the girl. Rolling her eyes as she grew slightly irritated with the older Woods sibling, she glanced over in Leo's direction after he nudged her arm with his elbow, and sent her small—which resulted in her mugging him.

How was she going to put the blame on her for nearly giving the then sixty-eight year old Mr. Leon an heart attack? Zoey didn't put a gun to his head and make his old ass play with them. Hell—she even warned his ass beforehand, it wasn't her fault that he didn't listen.

"Zoey, you had on that scary glow in the dark Jason Voorhees mask and a knife."

As Zoey rolled her eyes. "Okay? Still ain't my fault."

"Was it real, the knife?" Jackie questioned as a small smile stretched across her face.

"Of course," The seventeen-year-old paused for a second as she looked over at Jackie, smiling—while ignoring the concerned looks she was receiving from everyone else. "kidding. Sort of."

With the table now quiet as they stared at Zoey, someone cleared there throat and drew the attention away from the brown skin girl. "So Jackie, where are you from?"

"Everywhere." Jackie answered, shrugging her shoulders. "I bounced around a lot."

"Hey," Emma spoke up, pulling everyone attention off of Jackie. With Zoey rolling her eyes at the new member of her clubhouse, she leaned back against her chair and looked over at the girl she didn't necessarily like with an uninterested look. "I don't mean to be nosy, but why were you in handcuffs at the exams?"

"Girl," the brown skin girl uttered. "you in her business? Don't do that."

Seeing as both Leo and Hayley sent her looks, which she simply waved off, she glanced over at Jackie and sent her a slight head nod—that Jackie returned with a smile. With Emma rolling her eyes at Zoey, and mumbling something underneath her breath, the seventeen-year-old just let out a small huff as she held her hand up—flicking Emma off.

With Hayley noticing how Zoey leaned forward—her eyes locked on Emma, she decided to step in and diffuse the whole situation. "Uhm. It was to protect Leo. I mean—did you hear how loud he was playing his guitar?"

"Mhm." Zoey hummed. Leaning back in her chair as she eyed Emma was a second, her eyes was soon pulled away from her at the sound of someone saying what. Glancing over at the person in front of her, she lifted her eyebrow as if she was questioning her. Noticing how she held a red notebook in hand, Zoey remembered that it was the same one she was bitching about last night.

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