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0.9 teamwork & friends

"How in the hell did they managed to lose a big ass satellite?" Alexandra questioned her best friend. With her glancing over at her Zoey for a moment, to see her shrugging her shoulders lightly, Alexandra couldn't help but roll her eyes softly. "That doesn't make any sense. They invited you there to see the satellite launch, only for them to lose that hoe less than five hours later."

"I honestly.." With Zoey blowing air out through her nose. "don't care anymore."

"It is what it is." She then mumbled as she stopped beside Max. With Suzanne finally having a lesson inside for once, after Zoey complained her ear off about bugs biting her, the Raven clubhouse members were inside of the gym—ready for their collaboration teamwork dynamic seminar.

Lightly resting her head against Max's shoulder, the seventeen-year-old folded her arms over her chest as stared ahead, waiting for this to be over. With Alexandra going on the other side of Max, the two friends shared a look with one another before Suzanne voice pulled their attention.

"Welcome, Ravens!" Suzanne yelled out, smiling wide as her eyes scanned the faces of the high schoolers in front of her. "Does anyone have an issue with heights?"

Removing her right hand from her folded up arms, and lazily throwing up her hand, Alexandra and Max followed suit. With Max opening his mouth to speak, Suzanne immediately cut him off. "Other than Max, I meant."

"Do you not see my hand?" Zoey questioned as she glanced over at her hand—still having it raised high enough so that Suzanne could see it. "At least acknowledged it, the fuck."

With most of the Raven members rolling their eyes at Zoey, and with her friends lightly shaking their head at her, Suzanne simply sent Zoey a look before opening her mouth to speak. "Today's seminar is about collaboration—"

"Kind of got that from seminar name." Zoey uttered, as she dropped her hand and slipped it back into place—folding her arms back over her chest.

"—A good leader knows how to work effectively with his or her team." Suzanne continue as she eyed Zoey for a second, who simply just stared at her with an uninterested look.

"And what does this have to do with climbing a wall?" Alexandra questioned, as she motioned towards the rock climbing wall that Suzanne was standing in front of.

"You'll work in pairs. One partner will climb this wall blindfolded," Suzanne told the group as she turned, and pointed at the wall behind her before turning back around to face her students. "while the other partner will be their guide. Your job is simple—to get to the top."

"Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen." Zoey said as she blinked slowly. She was not about to climb a wall blindfolded.

"Suzanne," Max started off, swallowing loudly as he stared at the wall ahead of him. "the think is, I have a problem with calcium crystals in my inner ears—"

"You'll be fine Max." Suzanne reassured him, causing Zoey to shake her head. "Don't worry, we have harnesses and helmets to keep everyone from falling."

"You better hope."

"So, who wants to be first?" She then questioned, as she ignored Zoey's comment. With her looking around, to see which pair wanted to go first, a smirk appeared on her face as she looked between Zoey and Alexandra—slipping over Max. "Zoey, Alexandra, how about you two?"

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