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0.6 back to school and check ups

Pushing her recently done braids over her shoulder as a low laugh slipped passed her lips, the seventeen year old couldn't help but to shake her head at her best friend as she watched her play with her louie. Looking away from her friend for a moment to glanced around her clubhouse, Zoey released a low sigh from her lips. Since being back, everyone at the academy as acted like nothing happened. Sure, Zoey was getting looks from different people from both her clubhouse and her rival clubhouse, but no one dared to stepped to Zoey about it—especially with Alexandra by her side now.

Glancing around the Ravens clubhouse and seeing all of her housemates, Zoey couldn't help but to roll her eyes once they landed on Hayley and Leo—who were playfully shoving one another as they played some random game. The seventeen year old was still didn't like Hayley, and was not planning on holding a conversation with her any time soon.

"So, she," Alexandra paused for a second as she nodded her head in Hayley's direction for a second. "still trying to talk to you?"

"Yeah, but that shit dead." Zoey told her friend. "You can't say you go my back, and then turn around and let folks shit on my name like that with you not doing shit."

"I hear ya." Alexandra mumbled as she pocketed her louie. With the Porter girl opening her mouth to speak of Parker, she soon closed her mouth and turned her head to look at Becca—who rushed into the clubhouse and gained everyone's attention.

"Guys," Becca called out as she paused for brief second to even out her breathing. Once she got her breathing under control, Becca looked around the room for a second as a wide smile stretched out on her face. "You'll never guess what happened at the basketball game."

"What happened?" Hayley questioned as she paused her and Leo's current game. With Zoey resting her elbow against the arm rest of the couch, she then leaned down to rest the side of her face against her palm, tired.

"Daniel collapsed."

"Damn." Zoey mumbled. "He straight?"

Sure, Zoey couldn't stand Daniel and his group of bitches—friends, but that didn't mean she wished anything bad on them.

"An ambulance can and took him away." Becca answered as she shrugged her shoulders lightly, not really caring.

"Damn." Alexandra mumbled, feeling sorry for a guy that she didn't even know. "I hope he's good."

"Yeah." Zoey mumbled as Leo questioned Becca, to see if Daniel was at the hospital as of right now.

"Come on guys, let's party." Becca spoke up, not caring about Daniel and his health, with majority of the Ravens standing up and cheering, someone quickly cut some music on as they 'celebrated' Daniel being rushed to the hospital. "That's what the Eagles get for messing with us."

Sharing a look with her best friend, Alexandra arched her perfectly arched eyebrow at Zoey as Leo tried to get everyone to stop, while Hayley turned back around to play the game. Finally having enough, Leo quickly stood up from and turned to face his housemates. "I said turn the music off!"

"Damn, and I thought I was heartless." Zoey uttered towards Alexander, loud enough for everyone else to hear her. Looking between her housemates, "Who in their right mind celebrating someone being rushed to the hospital? Forget about our rivalry for a second—one of our classmates was rushed to the hospital, and you guys are cheering? The fuck wrong with you guys?"

"If this happened to us, they would be doing the same thing." Jackie spoke up, trying to justify their actions as she shifted all her weight into her left leg.

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