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0.10 harvest fest

"Welcome to the Harvest Fair."

Rolling her eyes, as she folded her arms over her chest, Zoey watched and listened to everyone around her applauded their headmaster as Sophie let out an over-excited yeah.

With Louis smiling. "With the money you're gonna collect today, twenty kids are gonna get to spend the summer at an amazing STEM summer camp program."


"Sounds boring." Alexandra mumbled from beside Zoey. With the seventeen-year-old simply shrugging her shoulders, somewhat agreeing with her friend about the summer camp being boring, Zoey kept her eyes locked on Louis as spoke over the small chatter from the students.

"And you're gonna do this by selling 200 delicious gourmet cupcakes." Louis told them, resulting in a low, tired sigh to slip pass Zoey's lips.

"A bake sale?" Hayley questioned from behind Zoey. With Zoey lazily peeking over her shoulder, and noticing that her former friend was talking to their clubhouse captain, Zoey turned back around to focus her attention on their headmaster as Hayley's voice entered her ears once again. "That's the best he could come up with?"

"But, Mr. Osmond," Max spoke up, gaining Zoey's attention from beside him. "those scholarships are really expensive. You're gonna have to sell way more than 200 cupcakes to fund them."

"Maybe Louis baked them in gold." Parker uttered, trying to be funny. Shaking her head at her ex-boyfriend as his clubhouse members laughed at his horrible joke, Zoey couldn't help roll her eyes at how extra Sophie was being with her laugh—laughing in Parker's face.

"Now they know that shit was not that funny." Alexandra said, loud enough from their rival clubhouse to her her.

"For real." Zoey said, agreeing with her best friend. Glancing over towards Eagles side, looking directly pass Alexandra, the seventeen-year-old met Parker's gaze.

Holding each other's gaze for a second, with neither one of them looking away from one another, Zoey finally looked away from Parker and towards the person standing slightly behind him—who caught her attention by lightly nudging Parker's shoulder with his arm. Simply raising an eyebrow at Daniel, as he sent her a subtly smile, Zoey couldn't help but shake her head at her friend as a small smile played out on her lips.

"Uhm, what was that?" Alexandra questioned. With her eyes wide, and mouth slightly agape, she leaned towards her best friend. "You and shorty over there back together?"

"Ew, fuck no." Zoey answered, rolling her eyes softly at her best friend question. "We're are finished. Done. Faneto."

"Then what was that smile?" Alexandra questioned, squinting her eyes at Zoey. With Zoey simply ignoring her best friend, her eyes darted back over towards Louis.

"I did not bake them in gold." Louis spoke up, once everyone was finished laughing and done with their side-conversation. "And Max—you're right. This camp costs a lot of money, but fortunately for us, we have an alumni who recent sold his startup to Apple and has agreed to help us out."

"For every cupcake that you guys sell, our anonymous friend's gonna donate," with Louis pausing for a moment to hit the button beside him—causing money to shoot up in the larger plastic, and transparent sphere. With the a few students yelling out whoa, in awe of the money that was inside of the sphere, that kept growing but the second. "One thousand dollars!"

"Not bad for a bake sale." Leo uttered.

"Each time you sell a cupcake, you ring the bell at your booth and more cash will be injected into the sphere." Louis explained to them, causing Zoey to nod her head, dropping her arms from her chest.

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