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0.24 trust no one

"Who are you calling?" Brooke questioned Alex, who had pulled out his louie and began to type in numbers. With focus being drawn away from what he was doing, he glanced around to see everyone eyes on him.

"Brandon Thomas." Alex told the group. "We have to tell him about the satellite."

"Now, why would we do that?" Zoey questioned the boy. They didn't know who was all involved in this. For all they knew, Brandon could be.

"We should tell my dad first." Brooke said, simply ignoring Zoey's question, wanting to tell her father everything because she believed that he wasn't involved.

With Hayley shaking her head, disagreeing with her. "Remember what Emma said."

"Trust no one." Jackie uttered, repeating those three words that Emma told them in the video.

"You don't think my dad is working with them?" Brooke then asked, with her voice shaking. She had that baby-like voice going it was slowly starting to annoy the seventeen-year-old.

"No." Zoey immediately answered, putting the girl at ease. She didn't believe that Louis was apart of this, mess, but at the same time—the group couldn't trust any grownups.

"I don't." Hayley said, speaking up at her housemate. "But I also didn't think that about Marcus, or Judy, or Jason."

"I kind of knew Jason was up to some shady stuff." Zoey snuck in, letting everyone know that she knew Jason was apart of something. There was no way a grown man would constantly be around an underage girl unless they were, a.) sleeping with them, or b.) got some illegal shit going on.

With Alexandra, Jackie and Max all nodding their head, Jackie mumbled out that was true when Alex turned to look at his "girlfriend". "Or Eric."

"Of course!" Brooke uttered as her eyes momentarily grew wide. "How could we miss that?"

"He said he took you to the station. Did he really?"

With Brooke casting her eyes downward, trying to remember, her eyebrows slowly came together as she tilted her head towards the side. "I'm starting to remember. Uhm..."

Shaking her head as she looked past Alex to the other members of their small group. "It was Eric who took me to the cave, to Marcus. I'm sure."

"He's the one who turned you in." Daniel said, while lightly motioning towards his ex-girlfriend.

"This is too much." Hayley mumbled.

"Entirely too much because, Jesus." Alexandra uttered as she placed her fingertips against her forehead, and shook her head softly. What happened to having a normal high school experience?

"Oh, I hated that guy ever since he forced me to take that polygraph test." Jackie told the group, recalling the moment that Eric forced her to do something she didn't want to. "I knew there was something sketchy about him."

"I mean, that's not being sketchy." Alexandra spoke up.  Even though Eric was the enemy right now, she didn't see his actions as being sketchy. If anything, she saw it as him doing his job. Jackie was known for getting into trouble with the law, so for her to accepted into the GreenHouse, Alexandra would've polygraph her also. "I would've polygraph your ass too."

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