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0.7 questionable decisions & late night convos

"A leader had to make decisions all day long." Suzanne spoke to the Ravens, starting off today's lesson for class today. Today, they were outside and surrounding a diorama that had a fake small town and a functional train track. "The higher nod or her position, the more critical their decisions are. CEO's, judges, military officials, senators-"

"Captains," Leo quickly added in, cutting Suzanne off as a few members of the Ravens clubhouse laughed at they captain.

Rolling her eyes at her friend, Zoey quickly smacked her arm as she felt something land on her arm. "Why the hell are we out here? Got bugs landing on me and shit."

With Suzanne sending Zoey a look and with seventeen-year-old waving her off, the teacher then glanced around to look at the other members of the Ravens clubhouse. "Today, we'll be examine what a leader should do when he or she has to make a life-or-death decision. If you think that's complicated, you're right."

With Suzanne motioning towards the diorama in between her and her students, she smiled down at it. "Over here, you can see a car crossing the rails. Now, here's the situation, this train had malfunctioned—it cannot stop. It's going to crash into the car and kill everyone who sits in it. You can use the crane over here to redirect the tracks elsewhere, but then the train will crash into this wall—killing twenty passengers on board."

Releasing a low annoyed sigh from her lips as she smacked her arm once again, Zoey glanced down at the diorama—thinking over a way to save everyone without someone losing their life, while Suzanne continue to talk. "So that's your decision. If you do nothing, then five innocent people trapped inside the car will die. If you take action, you will cause the death of twenty passengers on the train. What will you do?"

"Using the crane will be murder." Hayley uttered, being the first person to speak up.

"I agree." Max said, nodding his head in agreement with what Hayley just said. "There is no moral justification for using the crane."

"Are you crazy?" Becca questioned them as she looked between the both of them. "You'll rather kill twenty people?"

Emma nodding her head. "Becca's right. It's like what Spock said on Star Trek, 'The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few."

"How about rescue the five people from the car, then use the car as a cushion for when the train crash. That way, no one would get seriously hurt." Zoey spoke up after coming up with a solution that was better than what her housemates were coming up with. "Everyone lives."

"Leo, what do you think?" Suzanne questioned the leader—causing everyone to turn to look at the captain, who shrugged his shoulders softly.

"I say flip a coin."

"Damn, that's fucked up." Zoey uttered after a moment of silence between the group as they all looked at Leo like he was crazy.

"So, you're telling me that you'll rather flip a coin to see who lives and who dies? Wowww—real leader like there Leo." Alexandra said, rolling her eyes hard at her captain. Looking between both his best friend and the new member of his clubhouse, Leo released a low sigh from his lips as he looked at Suzanne.

"I think it's an unfair dilemma," Leo started off. "any choice would be problematic. Any decision would be immoral."

"Well, that's what makes the dilemma so interesting. I mean, most of the time a leader had to choose between two evils." Suzanne told the group.

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