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With her sock-covered feet resting on the couch, and with her legs bent and crossed at her ankle, Zoey looked up from her sketchbook that rested against her exposed thighs—as a low, irritable sigh slipped through her parted lips. She has only been in her clubhouse for an hour, and already, the newest member of her clubhouse was irritating her.

Her happiness about Emma leaving soon turned to irritation when she realized who was filling in that empty spot in their clubhouse.

As Aspen sat on the back railing of the couch, pointing and speaking loudly towards Jackie as she tried to help her with the video game, Zoey couldn't help but send a glare in her direction.

Aspen was trying her absolute best to befriend some of the members of their clubhouse, but she was doing an horrible job thus far. In the past hour and a half:

She had finished Alexandra's 1,000 piece puzzle that she had been working on for the last three days. She had messed up the chess game that both Mark and Kieran were playing. She had broken the arm off of Ben's robot—something that he's been building for the last three months. And now, she was in Zoey's ear, while she trying to sketch.

The girl hasn't even been here for a full 24 hours yet, and Zoey was already on the verge of strangling her.

"Aspen," Zoey spoke up after a moment, as she forced a tight-lip smile on her face.

With Aspen glancing away from the flat screen, after telling Jackie about the person hiding behind a tree, she looked at Zoey with hopeful glint in her eye as she smiled down at the artist. "Yes?"

"Would you so kindly," with that smile dropping. "get the fuck out of my ear with all that damn yelling."

With Aspen's smile dropping, she stared at Zoey for a moment as the artist continued. "I'm about two seconds away for shoving your dumb ass off this damn couch."

As Aspen got off the couch and backed away from the slightly terrifying girl, Zoey ignored the smile on Hayley's face and the small laugh that slipped passed Jackie's lips—as the seventeen-year-old returned her gaze back onto her sketchbook. "You know it's bad if I'm preferring Emma over your ass right now."

"You are so mean to her." Jackie uttered, smiling softly as she pressed the back button on her console controller. "I love it."

Shaking her head at her friend, as a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, Zoey kept her eyes locked on her random page of drawings—while lightly tapping her mechanical pencil against the sketchbook. She was literally in the middle of drawing whatever came to her mind, trying to come up with something to put on that blank wall she had in her art room.

So far, her sketchbook was littered with different things. She had variety of flower drawings—from roses to orchids to sunflowers to tulips. She had drawings ranging from her housemates to random historical figures. She even drew out her friends names in different front sizes and styles.

Alexandra. Max. Jackie. Leo. Daniel.

"Everybody!" Max yelled out as he entered the common room. "I need your help!"

With a low groan escaping her lips, Zoey briefly tossed her head back in annoyance as she let out a low whine. Just one of these days, she wish she could have peace and quiet.

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