Frisk: Crispy Fried Mind

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Now, I know you have a lot of questions, considering the shit that has happened nearly months ago. .

'Frisk! What happened to Kiliano?!'

'Is Chara okay?!'

'Where is Assgore?'

'How is your arm?'

'Who is the bitch that ripped the flowers out of your arm?!' 

'What was the dream you just had?!

And fret not! I am semi prepared to answer all of them!

For starts; Kiliano is dead. . . really dead. . .I tried to revive him, but I never seemed to find the spirit of him anywhere. . .

As for Chara, he has been having mixed emotions with his father for the past couple of months. . . he told me everything that has happened; that Kiliano wanted to change for the better, wanted to turn himself in and to help the town become safe once again. But Asgore shot him before he could even leave out of the school building that they were in. . . 

Asgore could have cared less. . half of the people of the whole nation has died from him and his goons, why spare him?! Even though its a good idea, he used his guns instead of his heart which resulted in Chara cutting contact with him. . .

Of course, he talks to him for working and business purposes, but that is just about it. . . And even when they do talk, it is to the very bare minimum. . .

As for my arm, I'm doing much better! And believe it or not, I have recovered greatly after a few weeks!

Oh! Also forgot to mention! Asgore put us back on the team! Yippee!

And as for the bitch who ripped out my flowers, her name was Yvonne Hernandez, and she's currently in prison with the rest of the Swads who were in part of Kiliano and Elijah's groupings. 

Now, as for that dream. . . . Yeah, let's leave that for another talk! 


I look over to my left, seeing Hanzo in a nice outfit with a silk purple flower shirt along with matching pants with a yellow belt along it. His hair was slicked back as his rings were blinging as much as his smile.

"Woo! Work, Hanny! You look awesome!"

"Why fank' you, Ma'zam!" He giggles, sitting next beside me, "Your dragon dress is stunning as well! You know how much I adore dragon designed shit~"

"I know. ."

"You alright? You haven't left that spot since we started decorating. ."

"Sorry, I'll come help in a second."

"Nah, don't worry, we got it! I'm just worried about you, that's all!"

"I'm good. . ."

"You suree?"

". . . . I had a dream. . . "

"Oh. . . MLK?" 

"No! Like. . . A dream. . ."

"Oh, was it like a nightmare?"

"No, far from that. . . a wet dream. . ."

"Oooo! Do tell the tea! Do you know who it was? Was it David Hasselhoff? That hot repair guy we saw last week?" Hanzo whispered the last part, making me laugh as I shook my head.

"I'd rather not say. . . it's embarrassing. . ."

 "It can't be that bad, Frisky-bits. I have no judgement for anyone, you know that!"

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