Frisk: A Sip Of Château Lafite Rothschild

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Thankfully, I recovered from last week's  episode. Woohoo! I know what you're thinking; Frisk? What was that about? 

Erm. . . don't worry about it . . . Like I said, I'll have a time where I'll spill it out.

Besides that, the week has been hella uneventful, I was interrogated by the cops and I'm back at my job! Also, another thing to mention; Hanzo and Asriel has gotten a bit close. I don't know what their current fling is as of right now but I will be sure to note if I see something new with the love birds. 

Maya has been staying at the MTT hotel, and of course, Mettaton doesn't mind at all. Even though the MTT hotel is one of the most grand and fanciest hotels known to monster and man around here; it also is a huge safe haven towards people who are in need. My uncle has a television show and merchandise that he mostly gives to his richer audiences; you know, the ones who throw their money away like old underwear. And with that money, he puts into both the hotel and the homeless or as some would say 'the unfortunate'. 

Now I know what you're thinking; Why didn't you just stay with your uncle when you were out fighting those thugs?!

Simple answer; I stayed for a bit, but the thugs started to send threats to the hotel, and I had to make my leave. Though my uncle could care less about what those 'piss smelling vermins' had to say, but it wasn't his fight. It was only mine. 

Jeez, sorry for talking so much again. I bet you were probably falling asleep, but no worries! I'm getting to the juicy part! Chara asked me if we could go back to the Paradise resort yesterday, because he said that he was finally ready. But, I have no idea why, but I feel off

I mean, yeah, my body is ready like a stallion for sex, but I feel like we are rushing this relationship a bit too much. . call me cheesy; I could care less. I just want to get comfortable with him, or to just let out our feelings more; considering that it was cut off by the asshole who shot me in the hip. (Fuck you, asshole in question.)

Of course, I replied with an 'Absolutely', before I started to pack up for the trip. He said to bring a bunch of clothes since we would be staying there for a bit. Wanna guess what I packed? Correct! My pure whore ones! Along with some casual stuff, of course, what kind of animal do you take me for?

I waited a few minutes and chatted with Maya about it; it was like she was my little wing-girl, she even helped me pick some of my casual outfits.

"You look amazing in that dress, Miss Frisk."

"Thanks, hon. I needed that booster for sure." I smiles, swiping off the dust off of my dress. To describe to you what it looks like; it is a pretty coral colored neck flounce mesh-sleeve dress with white koi and lotus flower designs around it.

"No prob!" 


"Oh, that's him! Call me if you need anything My my, okay?"


We hugged, before I then make my way out of my house. Going towards Chara's black luxury car he pulled down the window and whistled. 

"You look amazing, Ms. Gaster~"

"So do you Mr. Dreemurr~"

"You ready?"

"Of course!" I giggle, getting in the car. Chara then started to drive as soon as I was fastened in the car. If this wasn't the most peaceful car ride I have ever had. The sun was slowly going down, with the trees and buildings reflecting off of the orange tinted sky; it reminded me of the beach, the place where we set down our foots and started our relationship. It seemed just like yesterday when we shared that amazing kiss. . 

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