Frisk: Inclined To Love

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"Your soul seems to be just fine! I'm glad that you're taking the time to take care of yourself. I'm truly proud of you, Frisk!" Alphys gives a smile, helping me up out of that extremely uncomfortable chair as I smile

"Thanks, Godmommy. I appreciate it, really."

"Of course!" 

After the procedure, my God moms treated me with their amazing Mac & Cheese while we chat about simple things,

"I'm telling you, Undyne. The Mew Mew Kissy Cutie adaptation is going to suck. ."

"Come on, Alph! You haven't even watched the trailer to it yet!"

"I don't need to! You already know the outcome of the second season! There's no need to ruin the classic by remaking it! With humans too! Oh! S-Sorry, Frisk!"

"Oh it's cool. Humans suck." I smile, before taking another spoon of mac & cheese. 

"Have you seen the news, God baby? These criminals are still doing what they do best even after we took down that flower group. . "

Kiliano's business was taken down months after his murder; all of the Swads and Miels were arrested one by one and the city was finally at peace, well, from them at least. . 

"Yeah. The Royal Crown, right?"

"Yeah. They said they never found the culprit. I couldn't bother to watch the rest of it. . . it was too much for me. . ." Mama Alphys shivers, as Momma Undyne was quick to go over to her and hug onto her waist as she kisses her.

"No need to be upset, Mama." I smile, "I still manage to projectile vomit from an type of gore and violence and I'm a detective."

"Aww, my little crime fighter!" Momma Undyne coos, rubbing her thumb on my hands. 

"Um. . . Moms. . . I have a question. ."

"Mhm? We're listening!" Mama Alphys smiles, I gulp before I finally then asked,

"How did you know that you were in love with each other?"

Both of their eyes widened, as Momma Undyne laughs, 

"Well, it's simple, Alphys took care of me a lot while I was a ol' rookie for the Royal Guard. She's such a gentle woman. . . so sweet. . . and kind. When you fall in love, it makes you feel so may different emotions with that person. You feel happy around them, your anxiety rises when you feel as if you might lose them . . . you feel angry when someone hurts them. . love is a difficult thing, but don't worry, baby! You'll know it when ya feel it!"

Know it when you feel it. . .

What Momma described was just as accurate as the way that I feel for him. . . 

I feel happy around him. . . 

I feel so anxious when he does dangerously stupid shit. . 

I feel so angry when he gets himself hurt. . . 

Fuck . . . Do I love Chara?

I haven't loved anyone before. . .

I mean, I've had sex, lots of it, and don't you worry, I check myself before I wreck myself as always and get checked by my doctor (Who I commit my identity fraud to) so that I can make sure that I'm healthy.

But through all of the sex that I have had. . . it was rough. . . and. . . painful in a way. . ?

In that dream, that Chara was rough, but it wasn't painful . . . I liked it. . . so very much.

With the people I usually do it with, but women and men, both either monsters or humans, they are so aggressive. . never really romantic, just used me for their own pleasure, but I was able to get something out of it. . . money, gang rep, a place to stay. . the whole shebang. . 

Damn . . . I'm really a slut, aren't I?

"God baby? You okay?"

"Ah- yeah! I'm alright. . . mind if I head back home?"

"Of course, let me drop you off!"

"Thanks, Momma Undyne."

"Anytime! You know damn well I'm not letting you leave out here by yourself! Here, I'll make you a container of Mac & Cheese to take with you!"

"Thanks! Um . . . Can you make two of them for me?"

After Undyne dropped me off, I unlocked the door and leisured my way into the house. Chara was asleep on the couch, his head leaning off of the arm while he had a big folder laying on his lap.

I walk over to him, seeing that he was reading files for a case, guessing its about the Royal Crown, as he had his laptop on the coffee table.

I slowly took the folder off of his lap, before closing the laptop and setting the folder on top of it. I then set his container of Mac & Cheese on the side as I then grabbed a water bottle and a napkin with a pen, placing the cold water next to the container as I then wrote a small note on the napkin.

'Hey Chara! Brought you some of my God mom's famous Mac & Cheese! Sorry I couldn't make dinner, the prescription that Momma Alphys set me on is going to make me fall asleep very soon. Also, I just wanna say, don't overwork yourself too much. I walked in and saw that you were drooling on the folder fast asleep. Don't you worry, the D.O.G.S building is with us for a reason; to help us organize cases from there. You should relax here, and trust me when I say that you deserve it. I'm running out of space on this damn napkin, but be sure to eat! And take a break!

- Love, Frisk <3'

. . . Love. . . 

One of the most weirdest word and feeling known to man

It makes you do crazy and questionable things. . . 

I love Chara. . . 

But. . . . Does Chara love me?

Of course, I won't force myself onto him, but I'm just curious. . 

What does he think about me?

Better yet, what do I do when he does admit his love for me?

I've never been in a relationship-relationship in my entire life!

I'm just so inclined to love, to the fact that I don't know what to do when I start to gain feelings for a person. . . 

I'll get there. . . I just know it. . .

I'll get there one step at a time

Damn. . . that was as  cheesy as momma's Mac & Cheese. . .

Anyways I'm about to faint from my meds, so until we meet again, nae chingudeul! Bye!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISSION TALE III: REVAMPED


I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves, its important!

And as always, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read them uwu

Until the next chapter, babies! Byee! <3

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