Frisk: No More Overworking On My Watch!

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For the first time in a real while I can actually admit. . . that I am confused as hell. . . I wrote down notes from what Elijah has told me and it all just doesn't make sense. I can't really remember the night that Elijah was killed. The whole time that I was there they tortured me. . . badly. . . 

You might be wondering; what did they do?

Well, the basic things, like punching, hitting, but then it got worse. From leaving me in dark places, taking off my clothes and taking photos of me. . . 

Sorry. Maybe I won't go that much into detail. 

On one fortunate day, I woke up to hear footsteps and I couldn't help but snap, I screamed and thrashed away, but then I heard a familiar voice; Mama Undyne. When she took the blindfold off of my face, her eyes wide and tears falling from them before she uncuffed me from the rusted mattress. 

From there, I couldn't fess up to any of the guys. I was afraid that they would see me as a damsel in distress, someone who had to be protected under all costs. I'm not any of those. I'm like, 100% capable of being on my own, I don't need help. . .

Or. . . that was what I thought, anyways. .

There was something that Elijah said that really stuck into my head, too. 

"his hands were as cold as ice and his eyes were different from what I could see. Believe me or not when I say that whoever healed me was not Kiliano."

Coldness. . . it seems to be the pattern here. Cold hands, cold eyes. It was like the asshole is from Antarctica. 

I sat alone in my room for just about five hours, and, of course, I have absolutely nothing in my head. 

Though, I noticed something about pee-paw Dick-Wing. . . 

With his experiments, the only ones who survived were me, Kiliano, and one other person who he just let out into the streets for the hell of it because he was drunk at the time. 

Talk about a mad scientist. But I noticed a pattern from all of this. Every single experiment that has survived has been through some sort of trauma. . . something that has caused great pain and suffering. 

From another entry that I've read from his journal; it read that there was a man who was dying out in the street, calling out for help. And, who wouldn't go over to help a dying man? (not me). He tried to ask the man who hurt him, and he didn't respond. He explained that the entire time of experimenting the man he was completely silent. The man escaped from the lab days later, and peepaw even saw that some of his samples were missing. This would be a great mention to say that this man is the first ever human that he has experimented on before he aimed towards the children and me who went to the school near where Papa Sans lived at. . 

Now, you might be wondering; Frisk? What the fuck are you talking about?

Think about it. This man was attacked, causing him to go through some trauma of some sort. Kiliano lost his brother, lost his father, lost his life. I may be wrong, but it could be a very interesting theory that the reason why those children never survived those experiments were because they don't really know true pain.  Peepaw was all about the human soul and was so interested in humans and how far their bodies can go. What was the point of experimenting on a child if they were just going to die anyways? Their bodies aren't prepared yet, aren't prepared for the horrors of life and what was to come. . .so maybe that explained why his samples never worked on them. . .

You might be wondering; Frisk? What the hell does this have to do with the case? 

Now, fuck me with a chainsaw if I'm wrong on this. What if, just what if the culprit for this case is the first experiment of Peepaw Wing-Dick's and he is going out for the person who hurt him badly?

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