Frisk: Here's Your Reminder . . !

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"Oh, Eun-Jiii~"

We were only a few miles away from the dreadful place, and I could already hear his haunting voice in my head. I didn't want to alarm the boys, and decided to grab my headphones out of my bag and blast some of my favorite music through them. His voice finally blocking out minutes later, the dark weight finally slipping off of my body,

I could finally relax, well, at least for now.

I know what you're thinking; Frisk? How are you gonna defeat him?

To be very true, and honest, and frank, I have no. Fucking. Clue. .

But, don't worry. That's why improv's a thing, right?

I only have but so much time to think about it all, and one if anything goes wrong. . its over for all of us.

Here's the thing. . about him. . . he has the ability to go into someone's mind, he can find some of your deepest and darkest fears and just pull at your nerves so that he can make you feel in a vulnerable state.

Of course, he can only attack vulnerable people, its his specialty. .

Though, I'm unsure of his own plan himself. . he's a mysterious man. . . you could sometimes never know his next move when it comes to it.

"What?! Hell no! we're not leaving you here with that monster!"

I had a idea in mind, but once I announced it I realized how much it sounded like the idea that Song has planned out as me. . but I think I truly know what to do this time. . thanks to him I have a true plan in mind.

"I know, it sounds crazy, but please trust me on this. . . I seriously don't need you guys getting hurt because of me. You guys will be here, seriously, but I'll be the bait."

". . . Is this Frisk talkin'?"

They were all truly skeptical of me for a while, and it only made me feel so hurt. . seeing that they didn't really have enough trust to know that I'm truly me.

"Of course, its fucking me! Fuck- Hanzo we don't have time for this, seriously! Just hear me out for a second!"

I covered my mouth, just now noticing the raise of my tone that made the guys stare at me with wide eyes.

". . Sorry. . . but just listen. . . the only person who have similar powers to him is me. . . Azzy can help, but fire can only go a long way with him. I have to go on my own. . whether you guys like it or not. . . I'll tell you when I need backup, I promise. ."

There was a long moment of silence, before Chara sighed while standing up.

"Okay, but please be careful . . we can't risk you getting hurt. . ."

"Heh. . its okay. . I've already been hurt by him more than enough times before."

Chara gave a grim nod before pulling me into a kiss.

"Stay safe out there, corazón. . okay?"

"I will. . I love you. . . I love you guys. . stay safe out here, okay?"

We all stood, grouping into a tight family hug one last time and letting go of each other once we started losing our breaths.

"Okay, damn. . . " Hanzo huffed, "At least take me out to dinner first if you're gunna choke me out like that Azzy~"

"I was trying to suffocate you to death. . "

"Ohh~ A dream come true~"

Instead of cursing Hanny out, Azzy took a deep breath before hugging onto me once again.

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