Chara: Stay Sharp, He's Looking For His Prey

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"Chara, please! Freaking out isn't going to make any of this better!"

"Azzy, at the pace that you're driving at, she could be completely dead by now!"

"Don't you think I fucking know that?!"

We both stared silently, with me sitting down a second later in defeat I tried to maintain my heavy breathing. 

"Sorry. . its just. . "

"I know, Chara. I'm trying my best to get there as quick as possible. We will get Frisk back."

"Alright. . "

The ride was silent. Hanzo hasn't said a word since we started driving, and all I did was push Asriel to drive faster towards the location. 

To be fair; I have no right to be angry. I was stupid enough to let Mr. Song trick me into thinking that he was Frisk once again, only worst, Frisk is all alone, in the presence of him. 

And its all because of me. . . 

The dark long road seemed to feel like it was never-ending. The amount of trees and lack of street signs and lights only made me feel more worried about Frisk's current location. My mind  pacing and racing once again. . what was that screeching sound? Being honest, it sounded like the screeching noises were not Frisk, but it sounded like multiple screams of men. It was only a minute or two later when I heard Frisk screaming in fear.

Before then hearing her chilling laugh.

I couldn't help but think of what she was laughing at? Did she kill them?

No. It was definitely her father who did it. I remember him mocking her voice. Of course, he tricked me into thinking that it was the love of my life. . 

"So. . . Chars. . . you kissed Frisk's dad?"

". . . Hanzo. .  . out of all of the questions that could have came out of your mouth. . "

"Well. . . did he?"

"Bloody hell!"

"What?! A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice!"

"Not the time, Hanzo. . Sorry. . "

"Oh, no problem. I'm still in shock too.  ." He nervously chuckles, patting his lap before then turning back to look out the window. 

"So. . While we're on the way to Frisk's location.. what do you guys think that we should do?" Asriel asks, breaking our small silent moment with a question that involved very serious thinking.

"Well, if Mr. Song is with Frisk, I doubt that he is able to know that we are coming, he's even stupider for crashing his mic and camera but not his GPS." Hanzo got up shakily to walk over to the monitor and tapped his finger on the small green dot on the GPS. "Shockingly, we're close. . But we need to stay stealthy. Who knows what Mr.Song have up his sleeve, like Frisk said, none of us know what either of them are capable of at all, so its best that we stay cautious, right?"

Me and Asriel stared at him in awe, I clapped proudly while letting out small whoops.

"You are improving by the minute, Hanny! Proud of you!"

"Ah, its nothin!" He scratches his neck and blushed at our praises, "I learned from you guys! And, you know, you're like the best of the best!"

"Oi, enough with the sappy shit. Its making my eyes hurt. ."

"Asriel Dreemurr." Hanzo gasped, "Are you crying?!"

"Pssht, hell no!" He sniffled, "T. . . The fuck I look like-"

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