Chara: All Along. .

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Have you've ever seen a person squeeze onto a pen so hard that you could see the ink spilling from it?

Well, here it is! Starring with Challen Gomez! In the flesh! Squeezing the life out of my pen. . 

My favorite pen too. . 

But, right now, it was as if I could barely feel the ink dripping down onto my arm. My mind numbing all of reality itself.

Seeing Frisk from the camera, she was walking around in an abandoned warehouse, her breath shaky while roaming in the threatening dark on her own. 

Every small step that I've heard her take, the feeling of overwhelming guilt and regret washed over me. '

I couldn't help but think of it all. . 

Should I have went with her?

What if her father takes control of her?

. . What if she gets hurt?

I felt like I was in a cycle of anxiety and fear. Wondering if she would be okay on her own, remembering all of the things that she told me about that cruel man. . all the things that she did to her when she was just a child. 

A fucking child. . 

Why her? 

I just wish that I could rip that man apart myself, bit by bit. . 

But I'm pretty sure that is what Frisk would want to do. . and not me.







The soft voice of my brother pulled me out of my crude thoughts, blinking my eyes for moment to snap out of my intrusive trance before humming in response to his call. He stared at me with worried eyes, scooting his chair over to me while raising an eyebrow. 

"You alright, bruv? Your pen broke."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. . the pen stopped working. . "

"Now it'll really stop working for sure. ." Hanzo stared with wide eyes, making Asriel growl and throw his own pen at Hanzo as he yelped in pain. 

"Don't worry, Chars. . we got her. . even from here. . she's a strong girl." Asriel reassured, with Hanzo agreeing. 

"She's a tough cookie indeed! Home girl almost killed me once! She's a tough cookie with a big heart. ."

"Yeah. . you're right. . thanks. ."

"Anytime, bruv. . we're family . . we always look out for each other. ."

  "Well, Frisk and Chara aren't family technically. . they kiss and shit. . "

". . Hanzo. . shut up. . "

"I was just sayin'. You made it seem like it was all of us. The only siblings are you and Cha-Cha right there."



Frisk's voice caused all of us to stop what we were doing and stare over at her cameras. 

"Frisk! Are you okay?" I call out to her, 

"M' fine. But. . I don't see him. . "

"Maybe he moved. . can you feel where he is?"

". . I know he's here. . . but I just can't see him .  . "

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