Chara: It Was Like I Could Barely Recognize Her

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ANGST COMING UP AHEAD!!!! (also this is gunna be a long chapter too :') I apologize in advance! Sit back and enjoy! )


We all jumped, hearing a blood-curling scream from the house, however. . It didn't sound like her screaming. 

Either way, we all grabbed our weapons before rushing up towards the house, running in we saw Frisk holding her hands up in the air, before aggressively swaying her hand to the left. I only now noticed that Mr. Song was in the air, before he was thrown over towards a wall, crashing into the small fire place in their small living room area. 

As you'd expect, me, Azzy and Hanzo only stared, seeing that she was fighting him without any effort or struggle, her hands were a burning crimson, her eyes the same color as that, her breathing was heavy while she then slammed him onto the ground, walking towards his body before letting out a rasped laugh.

"Come on, get up so I can break you down again. . "

Her voice sent a shiver down my spine. . it was dark and cold. . . it wasn't like her at all. 

She rose him up in the air again, swinging him to the opposite side of the room as he let out another pained cry. 

"Woo, I bet that one hurt, didn't it?" She lets out a low giggle, her crimson eyes then turned to our direction, I gulped nervously as that made her smile, 

"Are you guys enjoying the show?~"

If I say that I was not on the verge of pissing my pants on the spot, I would be a liar with his pants on fire. .

It was a few minutes of her throwing him around the room, while we were near the door, watching Mr.Song helplessly be thrown around the room by Frisk. 

Though it seemed sad, he deserved it. . 

All the pain that she went through will all be going onto him now. .

Plus the supernatural powers, of course.

However, it was like we almost forgot that he had powers too. . . 

He raised up warily, swinging his own hand over as he caught Frisk off guard, throwing her over into the small dining area while she fell and broke into the glass kitchen table in the process of her fall. 

"You think that you're so high and mighty with those powers, huh?" He chuckles, rising her up before he swung her onto the wall, her body flat against it as she struggled to move. I tried to make a run for it and stop that motherfucker before he gets the chance, but it was as if I couldn't even move at all. . . I looked at Azzy and Hanzo, both of their faces the same as mine. 

I'm not only bothered that we couldn't move, but I was bothered of who was holding us back. . him or her. . ?

All we could do was watch the horror that was in front of us, he grabbed Frisk by the shirt and punched her square in the face before slamming her back into the jagged ground that was filled with glass. 

"You never changed, Eunji-ah. . . you're nothing but a cold. Nasty. Bitch!" He bellows, kicking her stomach with every stop of a sentence that came out of his mouth. It was like Frisk was paralyzed onto the floor, unable to get up in the slightest bit to defend herself anymore. 

"Haha, where did the energy go, huh? That it was 'past my deadtime?', what changed?" He kneeled down to her level, his hand gripping onto her chin harshly, making her hiss from the continuous pain. 

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